Before summer 2016, i had never even played a single pokemon game at all. This game is fun, but there are a couple MAJOR problems niantic needs to fix ASAP. First of all, this is the buggiest and glitchiest game i have ever played, to the point where i cant even battle gyms because it keeps saying Network Error. I can live with a little lag, but the main problem are the SPOOFERS. If you dont know what a spoofer is, it is a person who hacks pokemon go to get a little joystick on their screen so their character walks around without the actual person having to walk around to catch pokemon, spin pokestops, etc. Niantic has apparently lied to us that this is a big problem they want to fix, as FsuAtl on youtube CONTINUALLY uploads tutorials on how to hack pokemon go. The very least niantic could do is to ask youtube to remove the videos they find on youtube that are about spoofing or teaching people to spoof (yes, they CAN do that). Or maybe actually start handing out bans to players who do spoof. Its sad that niantic would rather completely ruin the illegitimacy of their game than to actually do something about it. To those who live in rural areas with little to no pokestops or pokemon around, or those with disabilities that hinder their ability to play the game: DO NOT SPOOF. Like it pr not, pokemon go was NOT designed for every single person in the world. It was also NOT designed to play in rural areas with few pokestops. It was NOT designed for people with disabilities that hinder their movement to play. There are plenty of other pokemon games you can play without ruining the game for other people who enjoy to play the game legitimately. In conclusion, i hope that niantic fixes these problems, because without them being fixed, the game becomes unplayable. Also: gyms are WAY too easy to defeat. With the exception of a Blissey, a level 15-20 could EASILY defeat a level 40s pokemon in a gym with a minute to spare. I would recommended that niantic should shorten the time you have to battle a pokemon in a gym, or allow a trainer to bring, say, 3-4 pokemon to a battle instead of a 6 pokemon team.