Pokémon GO App Reviews

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Try Again Later

• Fetch quest Pokémon Tracker makes hunting Pokémon dull and repetitive. • Spawn locations are stagnant - Pokémon spawn in the same spot. Need dynamic movement and spawning around the world. • Speed caps when traveling or accelerating through Pokéstops at modestly low speeds (and while walking) disable entire game. No Pokéstops, map or Pokémon. Intrusive Pop-Up every 1 minute. • Nothing to do in the game unless you were already going out or going out of your way completely to play it (RIP $$$) • 4 star and Legendary Battles only useful in populated cities. 8+ nonexistent players in rural areas = No Legendaries. (I caught Lugia and Ho-Oh just fine on my own in Gold/Silver) • No PvP. • No trading. • Only 2 shinies. • Pokéball throwing simulator gets repetitive. Cannot battle without traveling to gyms. Cannot battle or weaken wild Pokémon either. • Poorly optimized. Battery draining, painfully slow loading game. • More bugs than the entire Johto National Parks Bug-Catching Contest. • No in-game NPCs or quests. Goal is to just wander around aimlessly and cross your fingers. • Team Instinct and sometimes Valor at huge disadvantage in many areas. Players must pick the "right" team for enjoyable gameplay, otherwise gameplay is unbalanced and unequal. • No way to change team • Gym leaders serve little purpose/cannot battle them. • Cannot see how many people are joining a raid until you use/waste your own raid pass first. (Whos genius idea was that anyway?) Original player since release. I do not care to go out of my way to play anymore. I do not care about having an incomplete Pokédex. I do not care for impossible Legendaries in my city. I do not care to tirelessly walk a Pokémon for a single candy, hatch eggs, get my 7 day Pokéstop streak etc. The game is too dull now. I do think its too late for Niantic to turn the game around.

Great game but...

I wish you could trade because there are Pokémon in places and not in others, also make some sort of system where people know if other people need help with a raid. Thanks, Luke

Screw You

I have downloaded this game many times and it wont let me sing up.So, I stoped trying and gave up now I never play this game and Im sorry for the people that have the same troubles as me.???

Speed caps ruined game. Only big cities can play

You cant see Pokémon or use pokestops. Whats the point? Game is only playable in major citys downtown areas. Since I cant play, I deleted the game. It was fun for a while but the restrictions made it impossible to make any progress. App also requires to much access to my personal info. Not enough action in urban areas literally nothing to do Pokémon do not appear in my residence. Need to think outside the box to make game popular with people who dont live in dense cities like New York, Chicago, and LA.


I love this game because of all the places I can go. And this way I can have a little fun with my dad.

Alola inscences

You should add alola incenses to the game .the inscence works for 30:00 minutes and lures a Pokémons alola form. Ps when are other lgendaries coming to raids and when does gen 3 come out?

Recent update keeps crashing

Restarting the app constantly is making it very frustrating to play. Please fix kthnxbai.

Terrible account retrieval

This app has horrible account information retrieval methods. If one has forgotten their password they have to know their player ID in order to retrieve it but the app never gives you a "player ID" and in order to get your "player ID" you just login to their website, but if you have forgotten your password you need your "player ID" to reset it in order to retrieve your "player ID." Overall completely horrible methods would not recommend until this is changed.

Beautiful, Addictive Game Worth a Few Awards

Thanks for fixing the load time, that really helped. I love this game and have been walking around with friends catching Pokémon. Please, could you let me change my screen name? I havent before, and now it seems like it isnt even an option anymore. I do love this game, but could I please, please, please change my screen name? And what about human buddies- other trainers you could walk with? Friends, family, neighbors?

Every day player since this came out

Ive played this game faithfully for the year and some weeks this game came out. These legendaries catch rates are too low. Theres no reason that at level 33 with all the medals and golden raspberries and excellent curveballs I am 1 for 30 on these raids. Pokemon Co. always gave out their event pokemon free. Im not asking for that but Jesus the catch rates need to be higher than this garbage.


This game is fun but when you get it you have to do all of this logging in stuff I cant even log in. So please make an update that when you get it you dont have to log in and do all do that other stuff :-(so I give this game probably One star⭐️?????? Boo! This is not the best game ever though. Well it is kind of fun but I dont care.

Kicked out of raid without leaving location

Game ripped me off by kicking me out of raid without leaving a location, costing me multiple revives and my raid pass.

The last pkball at the raid is glitched

Yes, the las pkball you throw at the legenday raid never works, it shakes ones and the pkmn flees. That happens EVERY SINGLE TIME. Also about the gym system that is also bad Ive been battling this gym near my house, and when Im about to beat it they resend the pkmn again and I have to waste my revives battling the same foes pokemon that I just defeated!! All the efford Im doing is wasted cuz the stupid app sends them a message and they just put the pokemon back that I battled with hard work. I almost beat the gym by myself, and they just put the pkmn back and the gym is full of my oponents pokemon there goes my time wasted. Yeah, sounds pretty fair... FIX IT!


I love the game but every time I want to fight in a gym with my friends, it errors out when I spend the raid pass and get into the battle. It takes me into the battle and days go and then errors out.

Not a good update

This update wont let me give my Pokémon revives or play gyms


Allll the time. When scrolling through a menu, catching a Pokémon, fighting a gym, during a raid battle, this game will crash at every possible opportunity. Spend more time loading, then playing.

This app is rage-inducing

Too many glitches, too many freezes!!! I have lost money in the app because of these issues - and quite frankly, I want my money back! :( Dont waste your time and money with this app, its terrible!

Still cant bump my rating up

I love the game, but it is still the buggiest and most inconsistent app on my phone. Constantly crashes. You released an update saying you fixed the iPhone 6 crashes but its actually crashing MORE, sometimes locking me out of legendary raids. Gps tracking is always lost or inaccurate. Other apps using gps on my phone work, only this one breaks. The watch app is mostly useless as it constantly disconnects without warning and by the time it communicates with a server Im too far from a poke stop. The speed cutoff is awful. Why ask if youre a passenger if youre just going to make the game inaccessible while traveling at higher speeds? If youre going to make the game unusable just say it and dont pretend like passengers will have any gameplay while moving fast.

Hate it

Am on a team that has very few people on it. Team instinct. I am at a disadvantage. I always get very few balls for legendarys and gyms forget about it. Need to let people to change teams.

The App still Freezes fix Please

Please Fix.

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