But 3 moltres 1 articuno, a lugia and a tyranitar have ran away from me. Every single raid Ive been in ughhhhh
But 3 moltres 1 articuno, a lugia and a tyranitar have ran away from me. Every single raid Ive been in ughhhhh
We need a communication system between Pokèplayers.
Man, I sure would love to play this game but it keeps crashing. Ive never played it Ive Berber even got past the "Send me emails and update page" (the page with the check box when you first load up the game lol) pls help me WAT DO?
I live in a small town and all thats spawns here is pidgey ratattas and sometimes a magickarp and niantic wonders why people hack the game cause there aint no spawns so HOW we suppose to play. And there was a legendary raid the other day and I DIDNT EVEN bother wasting a raid pass for that cause I wouldve been the only one there and it wouldve been a waste. SO PLEASE FIX THE SPAWNS AND THE LEGENDARY RAIDS :( thanks
Youve thrown this game to the casual normies who barely play the game. Go to hell, Niantic.
PLZ bring back pixelmon I just figured out how to get it plz Ive been dieing to play it
My phone is now f**ked... crashed worse than any other app. I cant even delete it now. It messed up my entire phone.
I love it we have this thing called messenger and we can tell other people were we are and if a legendary is their we tell them and they come then we fight and usually catch it
The only reason why Im giving it 3 stars is because I can no longer battle the gyms anymore.
For some reason it will not let me battle gyms. Please fix. Thank you.
I feel like your Pokemon at a gym lose motivation over time not from losing in battle, but just in general. Today I put my 1764 cp clefable In a gym. Later I found its cp was at 1666, 15 minutes later it was at 1644 cp! Not its at 1408. Same thing is happening to my gyrados and happened to my vaporeon and ursaring. Im not sure if this is some sort of glitch or some retarded new system you implemented. Either way it needs to be removed and put back to the way it was.
People have been complaining since release about how unfair the game is for rural players but they dont give 2 ships. Dont let companies get away with such fan base detachment
Fix network error issues. Cant battle gyms or participate in raids without feeling like its a huge risk and waste of friggin time
Very frustrated that the past few weeks, every time my Pokémon are sent back from a gym, my journal indicates how many coins I received yet when I go into shop my coin level is still what it was before I put my Pokémon in the gym. This wastes my time and my gas. Very frustrating!
Since the introduction of raids Ive actually been motivated to actually get up and leave the house. I live in a small town and I didnt think I would be able to participate in any raids but I joined the local Pokémon go facebook group and Ive been able to catch lugia, articuno, and Montres, Ive been very lucky and have only failed once on a lugia. So to those who dont have any friends to take down raids with (like myself) try to see if you have a Facebook group to join. *I have severe agoraphobia (social anxiety) but these raids have given me a purpose to force myself into these social engagements(even if I feel terrified) and Ive even started to go out for short walks down the road to the nearest gym(which might not seem like much, but for me just stepping outside is as scary as the sun is for a vampire). All that being said, the game has come a ways but it can still be improved. I know the team at niantic are working hard to make the game better despite what it might seem like to us on the outside.
Niantic, love the game. Been a Pokémon fan since childhood. Moved from the beach where Lapras was common, to the mountains and found that clefairys do actually live in the mountains. Nice twist. BUT yo my coins per defender arent adding up. One time I had a RED Gyarados come back from a 30 hr gym defense with ZERO coins. Other Pokémon same thing. This has only started happening in last 2-3 days. Same thing with the curveball experience. Sometimes I get it sometimes I dont. These little things need to get fixed quickly because in the end those little things add up very quick. To all the people who live rurally...sorry bout ya.
First and foremost, I have to give credit to all the developers and creators of this phenomenal game. I love having to walk to hatch my eggs. It makes the game different and health oriented; I appreciate all the hard work everyone puts in to please the fans! Awesome!! I had a few thoughts I thought Id share with you. ?Team Emblem Page: a cool, colored page with a bit of information about the teams and why theyre the best ?Increase the daily amount of coins per day: it used to be 100 coins we could cash out with even if more than ten Pokémon were defending. It would be nice to have 100 as the limit again. ?Another way to obtain stardust: I love that feeding berries to defending Pokémon gives 20 stardust each time, but what if we could grind or crush revives/rare candies into stardust, similar to incubators, but for converting certain items into stardust. ?Also-Ive noticed team mystic doesnt always obtain the gym defender bonus during raids. I dont know for sure, but the community I play with, Valor and Instinct teams seem to get their defender bonus. Again, Thank you to anyone who has been involved in creating this amazing smartphone game!! Its really revolutionary! ?
Crash régulier depuis la dernière correction de bug dhier (02/08) ! iPhone 6
Minus the fact that it is now over a year since the game launched, and Niantic still hasnt stabilized the server (I.e the freezes, the back outs, the items that doesnt do what its supposed to). And the fact that there has been so little communication between Niantic and Nintendo. Minus them all and Pokemon Go should be okay. But the problem is that its futile to just pretend they dont exist. Throughout the decades, Nintendo has built themselves a brand that represents quality, stability, and reliability. So Im confused (nah Ill probably search it up after this review), why would they let a company that the world doesnt even know exists take on something as big as Pokemon Go? The concept of the game is a great one, but it is a shame that it was created by a company that cant live up to the games potential. Nintendo couldve done much, much better.
I would give it four stars but there still some bugs and glitches, but most importantly... Theres no trading feature!