Pokémon GO App Reviews

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Gyms, Coins, Etc..

*This game is NOT for people who live in rural areas and you will definitely miss out on a lot of things/events others get to enjoy who live in big cities. Trust me! GYM; Ive been playing for a year now and have seen how the game has developed. The new gym system is pretty cool. Love the graphics and overall upgrade to it but absolutely hate that only 6 trainers can join a gym now vs. previously when 10 were allowed. I prefer the challenge of the previous 10 limit set up. It made winning over a gym that much more worth it and fun. COINS; As if the gym cut back wasnt bad enough, the coin payout from gyms is a joke. Before you would get 100 coins per Pokémon for every gym you were defending every 24 hours or so. (5 Pokémon/ 5 gyms = 500 coins which could mean 500 coins a day) Now you can have 5 Pokémon defending 5 gyms and maybe receive 32 coins...total...for that day...IF youre lucky. If you dont have a big bank account to purchase coins, dont believe in spending money on such games like me or live near gyms then coins will feel like a thing of the past. ETC; Poke Stops dont seem to cash out as much since the gym overall. Would be nice to receive rare candies from them. A few new hats, shirts and shorts/pants wouldnt hurt either guys. Lol

Great game

I dont have the problems most ppl have with crashing or freezing maybe they need to update their phones ? but anyway this game is so much fun. Ive met so much ppl while playing. It would be cool if u could friend ppl on the game or something and if u can send ur friends items like poke balls but awesome game. Also I did the update but never got the appraise button like everyone else ??


My Pokémon was at a gym for over 2 days and when he was returned I did not get any coins.

Great, I have some suggestions

I love this game, but there is always room for improvement. First off, you guys need to fix the HP sort option in your Pokémon info area/revives. 2: Please reduce the CP of raid bosses depending on how many people are actually participating( the only Tyranitar raid I was actually able to do had only six people) 3: Nerf Blissey 4: Add manual system so that you can call your Pokémon back to you when they are in gyms( I live in a small town where it is not uncommon to hold a gym for a week) 5: Make things easier for people that do not live in big cities Well, thats all I have to say for now. Keep being awesome, Niantic!

App keeps crashing

App keeps crashing. Contacted Niantic and no reply. No fix. Nothing.

Good but...

Its a good game but I had a Pokémon in a gym for a whole day and it gave me zero coins when it got knocked out I dont know if it was suppose to do that or something if it isnt please fix it

Hacker alert

The nearest 4 gyms near me are all controlled by Team Instinct Clearly theyre hacking, this is ridiculous. Play fair In all seriousness, this is a decent games. Not terrible, not fantastic, more fun with friends

100% agree with I like Mudkip

Cmon this is ridiculous. Please fix this.


I played in 8 raids between Moltres and Articuno, team beat the raid and didnt get the legendary even after following all the "tips" the sight offered. I paid for raid passes too. So now annoyed Ill be deleting this game.

Good game, but could be improved

Im level 38 and looking past the technical issues raid should no longer give rare candies or such good Pokémon. This is breaking the game. Soon everyone will have maxed Tyranitar and Lugias. Also new gyms are garbage. Need collect button back.


Ok first of I love this game I played it on my old phone but once I got to my new one I kept glitching me out!!!! Second I rate this 3 stars bc I love it but what the glitch fixed!?

Almost done

Well, Im close to being done playing again. I, like others, am a solo player and with the new raids are shut out of the legendary Pokemon. I cannot win a raid against a legendary by myself. I dont have a group I can call and not enough people show up. How about a 50km legendary egg for solo players can get them?? I have all Pokemon I can catch except unown and Miltank. I have walked everything. Many kilometers. I paid for incubators and thats it. Now I have to pay more for raids?? Nope, Im done. Youve excluded me and others like me, solo players and rural players. Its turning into a pay to win game. I do like this game but now I have no reason to play!! Im glad youre making money, its great. But dont lose what the game is about, gotta catch them all, not pay for them all.

Finally doing this

I want it to work. I really do. My GPS floats so much and my app crashes almost every time I try to enter a gym battle. Its just glitch city. Makes me crazy.

Get outside!

Love this game. Get out and play!

Its okay and getting better

This game is NOT for rural players and frankly niantic doesnt care because $. Although rural peeps can spoof (extremely easy and available) This game is fun in brief peaks when the game is updated and there is something new to do (launch, gen 2, raids, legendaries). Otherwise there isnt any real pull to engage frequently. Game is frequently buggy with regular crashes/freezes. Just hope its not in important moments (read: it is always a critical moment)

Thanks a lot for f**king up the game!

Youve thrown this game to the casual normies who barely play the game. I should have started the game when it first started, when it was actually GOOD. But I waited until later, and only got a small taste of the good era of the game. Then the new gyms came along. Now its only for the normies who barely know how to play the game. Stop bending over backwards for the morons who dont play and bring back the old version of the game!

Good ol days

I quit this game and took a break from this. I miss when this game was popular. I miss the fact you used to grind the game by catching Pokémons and poke stops in a car. If you can fix all bugs and glitches in this game, I think many people and me of course will comeback.

I want it for free.

I love the game

Cant catch a raid pokemon

I tried to get a moltres 3 times a charzard 2 times a blastdrous 3 times sorry I cant spell and a vensour 3 times and I couldnt catch i but the rest is great

I like the game... I really do...

So while I love catching, evolving, battling, etc. I have a couple issues with the game as it is today. With the exception of trading still not being a thing that is. I have always hated that evolution costs just candy and powering up costs candy /and/ stardust. In my opinion powering up should just cost stardust. It makes no sense why it would have to be both. Also legendary raids NEED to be reworked. I have a hard enough time getting people to go as is and once I get people the raid is ridiculously difficult and the catch rate is insanely low. I get that they want to keep legendaries rare but this is extremely disappointing and kind of turns me off to raids as a whole. I feel raids difficulty should be adjusted to how many are in a group, or at the very least up the catch rate for people who were able to beat it.

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