Pokémon GO App Reviews

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Please Make These Updates

Should add hairstyles Add plain long sleeve shirt and no sleeves shirt for free Should show other players on the map Should tell if a Pokémon is near Make a way to earn pokécoins, not buy them Be able to interact and see friends on your map Be able to trade Pokémon and items with other players Fix the login issue logged out accidentally now cant login

Try Again Later

Problems: • Fetch quest Pokémon Tracker makes hunting Pokémon dull and repetitive. • Spawn locations are stagnant - Pokémon spawn in the same spot. Need dynamic movement and spawning around the world. • Speed caps when traveling or accelerating through Pokéstops at modestly low speeds (and while walking) disable entire game. No Pokéstops, map or Pokémon. Intrusive Pop-Up every 1 minute. • Character drifting around the map aimlessly? Too bad! You must wait upwards of a minute before your map is reactivated and the game is functional again. • Nothing to do in the game unless you were already going out or going out of your way completely to play it (RIP $$$) • 4 star and Legendary Battles only useful in populated cities. 8+ nonexistent players in rural areas = No Legendaries. (I caught Lugia and Ho-Oh just fine on my own in Gold/Silver) • No PvP. • No trading. • Only 2 shinies. • Pokéball throwing simulator gets repetitive. Cannot battle without traveling to gyms. Cannot battle or weaken wild Pokémon either. • Poorly optimized. Battery draining, painfully slow loading game. • More bugs than the entire Johto National Parks Bug-Catching Contest. • No in-game NPCs or quests. Goal is to just wander around aimlessly and cross your fingers. • Team Instinct and sometimes Valor at huge disadvantage in many areas. Players must pick the "right" team for enjoyable gameplay, otherwise gameplay is unbalanced and unequal. • No way to change team • Gym leaders serve little purpose/cannot battle them. • Cannot see how many people are joining a raid until you use/waste your own raid pass first. (Whos genius idea was that anyway?) Suggestions: • Gym leader assists in raids for solo players AND/OR CP of raid boss is dependent on # of players joined. It should be hard but still possible for solo players, as they are in the GB games. • A way to incubate eggs from anywhere (albeit slower) • A way to interact or play with buddy for candies • Further rewards for grinding up a million Pokémon ie. 25 fire type = random starter fire type mon from Willow • Battle wild Pokémon for extra stardust/candy/easier catch if not KOd. KO = 50xp (fleeing) • 7th Pokéstop daily streak also awards 1 incense, incubator and lure module • Wild Pokémon indicated by moving grass/leaves + Wild Sightings tab • Better battling system than continuous tapping • Weekly goals and quests by Professor Willow with rewards and badges • Pokèmart option to upgrade items 3 Pokéballs > 1 Great Ball 3 Great Balls > 1 Ultra Ball 100 Ultra Balls = 1 Master Ball (can be used for raid catches also) 10 razz > 1 gold razz, potions, etc. • Create a Pokémon Snap game because why not? For every Pokémon entry in the dex players unlock sprites they can use in AR mode with their cam to take pictures. Theres a camera in the inventory and you cant even use it... Something to do between hunting. iPhone 6S Original player since release. I do not care to go out of my way to play anymore. I do not care about having an incomplete Pokédex. I do not care for impossible Legendaries in my city. I do not care to tirelessly walk a Pokémon for a single candy, hatch eggs, get my 7 day Pokéstop streak etc. The game is too dull now. I do think its too late for Niantic to turn the game around.

Bad Playability Decisions and Defects

The new "faster" CP decay of Pokémon assigned to gyms is far too quick. I can literally sit here and watch a 2800CP Gyarados drop CP to 15xx and lower in less than 4 hours. Once it his 15xx, it kept falling 1CP every 10 seconds or so, which is ridiculous when NOBODY IS ATTACKING THE GYM! Clearly you did this to force remove Pokémon from gyms in less hours than a full day is so that you can limit the amount of coins a player can try and get, as if 50 a day was limiting enough. Your greed for forcing players to spend real money to buy coins is comical and clearly obvious by that sort of changes youre making to the system. Return the decay period back to previous setting or split the difference because as it is right now, its far too quick! Current version allows the feeding of berries to your Pokémon assigned to a gym beyond their max fill with NO BENEFIT WHATSOEVER. It doesnt do anything except cost you berries and gives no points or increases Pokémon strength beyond maximum. Why is this allowed? You cant see the stats of a Pokémon in inventory thats assigned to a Gym. People need to be able to see all the Pokémon info on the details screen regardless of assignment because you cant tell what its skill-set is the way it is now unless its returned. Eggs in inventory are showing as being caught by a regular poke-ball. Obviously an oversight to the new "caught indicator" for Pokémon in the last update. Please address this.

Could fix some bugs

I love Pokémon and the game but when I want to use incense I tap on the incense like Im supposed too but it just stays there like I didnt even tap it and it wont activate. Ive tried rebooting, tapping it many times, waiting, and closing and reopening it. So the game could use some fixes and plz more Pokémon


crashed iphone 4 s fix please

App crashing fixed!!!

Thank you so so much for finally fixing the bug where iPhone 6 would crash!! I could never battle with other people and we were once in a very popular area and I couldnt play because it kept crashing and I thought it was just me but apparently its all iPhone 6 users so yeah thanks for fixing :)

Wont work for 6 plus

For some reason, Pokemon go isnt working on my iPhone 6 Plus and its bugging me since I have an account I want to continue

Ok, lots of room for improvement.

Main thing, Ive only seen a Tyranitar raid twice so far. Increase Tyranitar raids. Also, make communications with other local players easier, and increase the catch rate for tier 4 and 5 raids just a bit.




I love my app but why do I have to pay for an update I using an iPhone and they charge me all the time for the update android never charge for updates what is wrong?



Keeps crashing

I deleted the app and got it again and its still crashing

Lost Pokeballs, Lost coins

I have joined 3 gyms in the last 2 days, all of which defended the gym for approx 12,23, and 24.5 hours. I didnt receive my coins for a single one of them, not even after waiting for a day. I can understand one, but even when notified that my "pokemon returned" there was no longer any coins rewarded in the notification. Also, with the coins I did collect from previous gyms, I bought pokeballs only to have them DISAPPEAR, yes DISAPPEAR, about an hour later. All 24 just vanished. This is not right and if this app is trying to screw over its players, Im not having it. I loved the app because of what it set out to do- bring pokemon to life. But now, with no coins for defending gyms and pokeballs just seemingly disappearing, why should I waste my time?


There are so many glitches right now and players shouldnt have to put up with this. When players take gyms, they are now stuck in them until an opposing team beats them, but thats not happening because there are network errors where players cant challenge. Also, coins are not coming when youve been beaten. Many people in my town have lost hundreds of coins this past week. Such a joke.


Anyone else having problems logging in I have re downloaded it I have even tried to make a new account but it keeps saying unable to authenticate help please

It is ok

Its ok


This is a great game! Im still addicted to it. I do have a few suggestions. One is make the regional(Tauros, Mr. Mime, Farfetchd, Kangaskhan, Heracross, and Corsola) be found everywhere and not just in their regions. But i guess that wont be a problem once trading comes out and we can trade to get those pokémon. Ive been saving up my Tauros for a reason now! One more thing is to let people hatch the regional in eggs. Per se, if I lived in the region where I can only get Tauros, let me get Kangaskhan from eggs without traveling to that region. I keep getting Ponyta, Paras, and Nidoran, which are all pretty common. Next, when we have lure modules or Incense, PLEASE make some fun stuff spawn, like Jynx or Hitmonlee or Gyarados. Whenever i do lures i get Nidoran(of both genders), eevee, pidgey, spearow, and occasionally a shellder. Arent lures supposed to lure kind of rare pokemon? Finally, for raid battles, there should be a chat room so you can chat with trainers to see if they are going to the raid or if there are any rare spawns around. It should be accessible to the main screen. I hate going to a level 3 or 4 or legendary raid and there being no one there, because i dont want to battle by myself because i wont win. if theres a chat room, youd be able to find out if youre gonna be battling alone!


Pokemon go is fun but it gets weird sometimes like it Says failed to login and I have to try to relog in to my accounts and it says unable to authenticate

Just one problem

The gyms are BUGGY! I can be doing fine, winning battles, then suddenly it says error and I cant interact with the gym at all!! FIX THIS

GPS Signal Problem

Theres a problem with the GPS Signal it wont work no matter where I am at home or somewhere else it never works please fix this I love Pokémon Go but this problem makes it so I cant play the game.

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