Pokémon GO App Reviews

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There needs to be a lobby before you join the raid that shows what players just joined

Heres an idea

How about we fix PTC login issues that have plagued the game since day 1. That would be nice so I can actually play the game during peak hours. Niantic is slowly destroying the Pokémon I knew as a kid.

Add more pokestops/gyms

I live in rural Canada and i can barely get a good experience with the game because of lack of good Pokémon and not enough pokestops to be able to catch them and i have to leave my town in order to get any good Pokémon

This game makes no sense at all

This must be the worst company as far as programming goes. They still cant fix basic bugs like rewards or catching pokemon correctly. This is a very embarrassing company to host Pokémon Go.

Try Again Later

Problems: • Fetch quest Pokémon Tracker makes hunting Pokémon dull and repetitive. • Spawn locations are stagnant - Pokémon spawn in the same spot. Need dynamic movement and spawning around the world. • Speed caps when traveling or accelerating through Pokéstops at modestly low speeds (and while walking) disable entire game. No Pokéstops, map or Pokémon. Intrusive Pop-Up every 1 minute. • Character drifting around the map aimlessly? Too bad! You must wait upwards of a minute before your map is reactivated and the game is functional again. • Nothing to do in the game unless you were already going out or going out of your way completely to play it (RIP $$$) • 4 star and Legendary Battles only useful in populated cities. 8+ nonexistent players in rural areas = No Legendaries. (I caught Lugia and Ho-Oh just fine on my own in Gold/Silver) • No PvP. • No trading. • Only 2 shinies. • Pokéball throwing simulator gets repetitive. Cannot battle without traveling to gyms. Cannot battle or weaken wild Pokémon either. • Poorly optimized. Battery draining, painfully slow loading game. • More bugs than the entire Johto National Parks Bug-Catching Contest. • No in-game NPCs or quests. Goal is to just wander around aimlessly and cross your fingers. • Team Instinct and sometimes Valor at huge disadvantage in many areas. Players must pick the "right" team for enjoyable gameplay, otherwise gameplay is unbalanced and unequal. • No way to change team • Gym leaders serve little purpose/cannot battle them. • Cannot see how many people are joining a raid until you use/waste your own raid pass first. (Whos genius idea was that anyway?) Suggestions: • Gym leader assists in raids for solo players. • A way to incubate eggs from anywhere (albeit slower) • A way to interact or play with buddy for candies • Battle wild Pokémon for extra stardust/candy/easier catch if not KOd. KO = 50xp (fleeing) • Wild Pokémon indicated by moving grass/leaves + Wild Sightings tab • Better battling system than continuous tapping • Weekly goals and quests by Professor Willow with rewards and badges • Pokèmart option to upgrade items 3 Pokéballs > 1 Great Ball 3 Great Balls > 1 Ultra Ball 100 Ultra Balls = 1 Master Ball (can be used for raid catches also) 10 razz > 1 gold razz, potions, etc. iPhone 6S Original player since release. I do not care to go out of my way to play anymore. I do not care about having an incomplete Pokédex. I do not care for impossible Legendaries in my city. I do not care to tirelessly walk a Pokémon for a single candy, hatch eggs, get my 7 day Pokéstop streak etc. The game is too dull now. I do think its too late for Niantic to turn the game around.

Not Bad but..

You see the game has potential with a massive community. But the problem is RAIDS. There just so HARD. My Cp: 1957 cant beat a single Raid. Ninantic plz fix the Cp for raids for new players!!!!!

I cant get past charamander!!!!!

The game is fun on my friends phone and I am a Pokemon fan Im loyal to the end even tho I get made fun of sometimes but honestly I have an iPhone 6 thats version 10.0 and when I click on charamander I GET KICKED it keeps lagging out to the home screen frustrating you should fix it...I wouldnt recommend this game. Id stick with the classics like clash royale or baseball kings or pixel gun. Dont spend your time giving them your email. Just to blow your time.

still crashing

i have an iphone 6 and the update did not do what it was supposed to and my app is still crashing. i was in the middle of a raid and it crashed and would not let me switch my pokemon once i reopened my game and i was stuck until the pokemon was defeated.

Issue with raids

I love this game. However, game constantly crashes during raids, and while catching legendary Pokémon. Its not fair for those who paid for raid passes because the passes becomes wasted. Feel cheated out of my money. Please fix this problem!! People who buy passes and get kicked out should be refunded! ‬Raid times should also definitely be extended till at least 9pm. Its summertime. And also, lots of people get out of work by 5-6pm. With raids ending at 7-7:30pm isnt enough time. People still have to get from work to raids.

Fk this game

Wait an hour or so for people to show up to get a legendary raid just to not get it ! Screw your game !

Needs a fix.

Ive been playing for roughly 4 months and its getting old when it takes ages to get in or have the same Pokémon over and over again spawning (I understand but maybe the higher you rank up the better Pokémon you can catch with a slight boost each level). Also the game made me log out and now I cant sign in or reset a password which is frustrating because I cant collect the the 5th or 6th day bonuses at the Pokéstops.

Raid Legendaries too hard to catch

I get making a legendary hard to beat. But giving you 8 of the worst poke balls in the game to catch it? Absolutely retarded. After you dont catch it, it leaves you with the stupid reminder that you have to heal all of your dead Pokémon. And just because you cant fly out of your home town cause youre young doesnt mean you shouldnt get any special Pokémon. The whole idea of nests is great though. When its the same Pokémon for pretty much half a year, it gets boring. Your whole team basically becomes the same Pokémon.

They even admit its made to be addictive as hell

I got this app way late when my coworkers asked them for help with raids and gyms. I was skeptical. Within a week and a half I had gotten to level 16. It started to get in the way of my job. I put off my relationship to play this game. I caught myself dedicating a weekend to pókeball mining in a local park. I even had a nightmare I used a lucky egg when I had three new pokémon to catch but I forgot I ran clean out of pókeballs. I would take breaks off work to play PokémonGo and come back even more stressed then when I left. Save yourself.

raid passes take back // mystic gym control

we should be able to TAKE BACK RAID PASSES THAT WE NEVER USED . its so unfair and stupid for it to be stuck in the gym as it goes unused and WASTED! whats the point?! if we glitch out or cant join a group we should get it back!! ugh also we arent getting bonus balls if the gym is blue/mystic!! that is so not fair i could totally use those extra 3 balls when catching!! fix this GLITCH

Why I stopped playing your game.

Its sad that an avid Pokémon at level 29 has to quit playing because the game cant handle 18 players in a raid. Out of 18 in a Lugia raid 10 of us got kicked out and forced to start over after beating it. No point in wasting time and money on a game that isnt going to cooperate.

Cant authenticate ???

It wont let me login anymore just played it the other day not I cant get in.

Please give the game an upgrade

Please give the game a new upgrade its been awhile since the last upgrade

No coins for rewards

New gym system is completely ruined. Ill have multiple Pokemon in gyms and upon returning, I wont receive coins. Doesnt matter if they were defending for hours or days, I dont even receive the 50 max per day. A few days ago, I had 3 Pokemon returned in one day. The first one was only in for a couple hours, received 8 coins. The second was in for 3 days, didnt receive any coins, the third was defending for over 5 days, didnt receive any coins. Niantic is now a money gurbbing company. Legendary pokemon raids are complete trash, Im currently 0-8 for lugia... Legendary pokemon are only for the money spending people with no jobs or responsibilities. Basically have to buy VIP raid passes and drive around all day in order to MAYBE find enough people to take down a legendary, and then the capture percentage is so low that it forces you to go buy another VIP pass and do it all again another day on hopes to get the legendaries. Here you go Niantic, unless you raise the percentage for capture rates and allow me, and thousands of others who keep failing, to actually capture this stupid legendary lugia, Im deleting my account.

Raid system is poorly made

With a game that is built around moving around, meeting new people, attacking gyms with a kinda drop in system, and exploring... youd expect the raid system to be more intuitive. You see a group of people doing a raid and want to join in? Well if theyve already started you cant join. The "private group" system wont let you join in once the battle starts. What can you do? Wait for another group, wait for friends if you have any around, or fight solo if its a single head difficulty. If its a legendary? Youre doomed. Essentially removing any chance of collecting the legendaries. The base game is fun, I really enjoy walking around and catching the Pokémon but the raid system seems broken to me thus the low rating. Hopefully theyll revamp it, because right now there isnt a point to even try.


I was catching a moltres and all of a sudden it kicked me out and I couldnt get back in. Now I dont have it. Fix your game

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