Just fix the problem! Also, Spark is still missing!!
Just fix the problem! Also, Spark is still missing!!
Great game. Will not let me log in. A game that will not let me play will get a bad review.
The app logged me out without me if pressing any buttons for it to do so i just went on to walk to hatch an egg and it was logged out even though a few hours before then it was working just fine now i cant even sign up for a new account or try to retrieve my username for my old one because it keeps saying access denied
So my game always crashes! One time me and someone were fighting in a legendary raid for Moltres and it crashed at the end taking our raid pass and not letting us fight it again! FIX THIS! Oh, btw that Moltres is way to hard to catch... i battled it 10 or 9 times and still cant catch it ;(
Nothing has changed with the new update. In fact, with every "update" it takes longer and longer to load. It takes much longer to load with new update. I sometimes walk for 2-3 blocks before it will load. It also closes when I open another app (e.g. Answer/read a text when walking), and also closes at random.
App crashing every now and then while doing Gym Battle. Throwing network error in between the battles. Gym battle completely unplayable at this time.
Updated to ver 1.39.1 but app still crashes on iPhone 6. Please fix!
I love playing it. It is one of my favorite games. Only problem that people are not paying attention often but also some do things that the game I believe already warns about.
Still crashes while either doing something minuscule or nothing at all. Freezes frequently and makes Pokémon disappear frequently until you close and reload the app or wait 30 seconds. The raids are nice until you notice how they have a low catch rate and want you to buy passes to go again. Still a long way to go to make spawns better and make the game good enough to keep people interested even when there arent events going on. Listen to your community not just the good but the criticism too.
we should be able to TAKE BACK RAID PASSES THAT WE NEVER USED . its so unfair and stupid for it to be stuck in the gym as it goes unused and WASTED! whats the point?! if we glitch out or cant join a group we should get it back!! ugh
To even out the playing field with those that dont have the mobility to access pokestops it would be greatly appreciated to add in home instance pokestop that can only be seen by the individual player as it will prevent abuse of creating multiple accounts and placing all sorts of pokestops.
Glitches for the iPhones in general to much, not just the iPhone. Ive spent money on raid passes and in the middle of the raid I get kicked out. You would think you would at least get your raid pass back. Please fix this. This game owes me at least 1000 coins for all the times its kicked me out of a fun raid. Will give a better rating if problem is fixed
I stopped really playing after I got most of gen 2 because it was just tedious and kinda boring but with the new update and the changes and additions the game actually became so much better but the new gym system is screwed. You put the time in taking and fighting gyms but all you can get is 50 coins a day even if one Pokemon comes out at 2 am and you fight a new gym and that one comes out at 8pm it doesnt matter you dont get /anything/ for that new gym. I think the new system is great for poor college student, but it should be per pokemon not per day. Its just trying to save their asses in money when they still have PLENTY of people spending money on the game. It just makes me not want to play because i cant afford as much, as with many of my college friends, so gyms have been my lifesaver. Its something that needs to be changed asap.
I am pleased to see Niantic is finally starting to give gyms some attention with the latest update. Raids are also a wonderful add to bring people together for a pretty fun experience. I think it would be nice if they slightly increased the potion drop rate at stops. Lost a lugia battle and now i have 12 dead mons with high maxhp gong to take me a while to restore.
The google login needs to start working because without that the game is useless.
This game is super addictive but it frequently crashes
• Fetch quest Pokémon Tracker makes hunting Pokémon dull and repetitive. • Spawn locations are stagnant - Pokémon spawn in the same spot. Need dynamic movement and spawning around the world. • Speed caps when traveling or accelerating through Pokéstops at modestly low speeds (and while walking) disable entire game. No Pokéstops, map or Pokémon. Intrusive Pop-Up every 1 minute. • Character drifting around the map aimlessly? Too bad! You must wait upwards of a minute before your map is reactivated and the game is functional again. • Nothing to do in the game unless you were already going out or going out of your way completely to play it (RIP $$$) • 4 star and Legendary Battles only useful in populated cities. 8+ nonexistent players in rural areas = No Legendaries. (I caught Lugia and Ho-Oh just fine on my own in Gold/Silver) • No PvP. • No trading. • Only 2 shinies. • Pokéball throwing simulator gets repetitive. Cannot battle without traveling to gyms. Cannot battle or weaken wild Pokémon either. • Poorly optimized. Battery draining, painfully slow loading game. • More bugs than the entire Johto National Parks Bug-Catching Contest. • No in-game NPCs or quests. Goal is to just wander around aimlessly and cross your fingers. • Team Instinct and sometimes Valor at huge disadvantage in many areas. Players must pick the "right" team for enjoyable gameplay, otherwise gameplay is unbalanced and unequal. • No way to change team • Gym leaders serve little purpose/cannot battle them. • Cannot see how many people are joining a raid until you use/waste your own raid pass first. (Whos genius idea was that anyway?) iPhone 6S Original player since release. I do not care to go out of my way to play anymore. I do not care about having an incomplete Pokédex. I do not care for impossible Legendaries in my city. I do not care to tirelessly walk a Pokémon for a single candy, hatch eggs, get my 7 day Pokéstop streak etc. The game is too dull now. I do think its too late for Niantic to turn the game around.
Pokémon Go takes me back to when I was a kid. A lot of fond memories playing this game. The application forces you to be active on your feet which is a plus for people who just sit at home and play games all day. Sure it has some minor problems but what games doesnt have problems when millions of people use this app at the same time. Its bound to happen. Overall, I LOVE THIS GAME ?
When I first started playing and was given the option to choose a team my app crashed. When I reopened it I was placed on mythic without the ability to actually choose my team. I stopped playing for a while and when I came back I was still on mythic, but all of my friends and family are on team valor. I searched google on how to change teams and contacted support. There is no way for me to change teams and it is nearly impossible for me to play with friends now, as they take all of the gyms. They are kind enough to leave me a few gyms to fill but this still hurts both my gains and all of my friends. This game is great other than the fact that I cant change teams. The only reason this is 1 star is because being on opposite teams completely ruins the gaming experience