Try Again Later
• Fetch quest Pokémon Tracker makes hunting Pokémon dull and repetitive.
• Spawn locations are stagnant - Pokémon spawn in the same spot. Need dynamic movement and spawning around the world.
• Speed caps when traveling or accelerating through Pokéstops at modestly low speeds (and while walking) disable entire game. No Pokéstops, map or Pokémon. Intrusive Pop-Up every 1 minute.
• Character drifting around the map aimlessly? Too bad! You must wait upwards of a minute before your map is reactivated and the game is functional again.
• Nothing to do in the game unless you were already going out or going out of your way completely to play it (RIP $$$)
• 4 star and Legendary Battles only useful in populated cities.
8+ nonexistent players in rural areas = No Legendaries. (I caught Lugia and Ho-Oh just fine on my own in Gold/Silver)
• No PvP.
• No trading.
• Only 2 shinies.
• Pokéball throwing simulator gets repetitive. Cannot battle without traveling to gyms. Cannot battle or weaken wild Pokémon either.
• Poorly optimized. Battery draining, painfully slow loading game.
• More bugs than the entire Johto National Parks Bug-Catching Contest.
• No in-game NPCs or quests. Goal is to just wander around aimlessly and cross your fingers.
• Team Instinct and sometimes Valor at huge disadvantage in many areas. Players must pick the "right" team for enjoyable gameplay, otherwise gameplay is unbalanced and unequal.
• No way to change team
• Gym leaders serve little purpose/cannot battle them.
• Cannot see how many people are joining a raid until you use/waste your own raid pass first. (Whos genius idea was that anyway?)
• Gym leader assists in raids for solo players.
• A way to incubate eggs from anywhere (albeit slower)
• A way to interact or play with buddy for candies
• Battle wild Pokémon for extra stardust/candy/easier catch if not KOd. KO = 50xp (fleeing)
• Wild Pokémon indicated by moving grass/leaves + Wild Sightings tab
• Better battling system than continuous tapping
• Weekly goals and quests by Professor Willow with rewards and badges
• Pokèmart option to upgrade items
3 Pokéballs > 1 Great Ball
3 Great Balls > 1 Ultra Ball
100 Ultra Balls = 1 Master Ball (can be used for raid catches also)
10 razz > 1 gold razz, potions, etc.
iPhone 6S
Original player since release. I do not care to go out of my way to play anymore. I do not care about having an incomplete Pokédex. I do not care for impossible Legendaries in my city. I do not care to tirelessly walk a Pokémon for a single candy, hatch eggs, get my 7 day Pokéstop streak etc. The game is too dull now. I do think its too late for Niantic to turn the game around.
JelvlG about
Pokémon GO, v1.39.1