I like the game... I really do...
So while I love catching, evolving, battling, etc. I have a couple issues with the game as it is today. With the exception of trading still not being a thing that is. I have always hated that evolution costs just candy and powering up costs candy /and/ stardust. In my opinion powering up should just cost stardust. It makes no sense why it would have to be both. Also legendary raids NEED to be reworked. I have a hard enough time getting people to go as is and once I get people the raid is ridiculously difficult and the catch rate is insanely low. I get that they want to keep legendaries rare but this is extremely disappointing and kind of turns me off to raids as a whole. I feel raids difficulty should be adjusted to how many are in a group, or at the very least up the catch rate for people who were able to beat it.
CJ Lepus about
Pokémon GO, v1.39.1