Pokemon go was aways a fun way to meet people... at least in the first month and a half. Now fast forward to the newest update with raids, Ive played with numerous people, but the game still felt empty. Not even a month later, Legendary pokemon come out, finally. The game feels like its no longer a lonely single player game, because whenever a Legendary pokemon raid appears, within the first 30 minutes the area is swarmed with 10+ people rushing in to join others in taking the legendary down. In multiple cases, ive raided with over 40+ people, it really brings the pokemon go community together, and to think I thought I was alone in my area playing pokemon go. While we wait for people to show up to the raid, everyone discusses their experience with the legendaries, such as how many they have caught, or how many theyve been denied, especially the ones that are 0-5+ are really fun to talk to, since you pity them so much, especially when you caught one on your first try or within your first few attempts! Niantic, all we really need now is a friends list so we can communicate to locals whenever legendaries spawn to make it easier than to just posting on discord or facebook.