As most users point out, there are some flaws with spawn rates/locations depending on where you live. I work in-town, live outside it, and there is a big contrast between the two. Spawn rates/locations should have an inverse relationship to county population density to correct this issue
The looming issue is all about the added Pokémon from Gen 2, and eventually the added Pokémon from Gen 3+. It over saturates the variety of spawns, making it harder to gain the needed candies for evolution. There needs to be a toggle option given to users so they can bounce between the Johnto or Kanto regions and only spawn those Pokémon for the region selected. The user should be able to move between the regions freely
Premium items need to be more available with less required purchases to play the game daily. It costs $40 a month to buy enough pokeballs to play daily, even if you visit pokestops 10+ times a day (which, depending on where you live, takes 2hrs to visit). Like spawns, the amount of freebies from one pokestop visit should have an inverse relationship to the county population density
Straight Facts about Pokémon GO, v1.39.0