But I have a suggestion that you should add into the game fishing
But I have a suggestion that you should add into the game fishing
I LOVE the new updates. Enjoying the raid battles when I have my friends around that play. Find it hard though when its just me and I live in a small town, so you never have any help unless its the people you know. I find myself trying to battle ones on my own to no avail. Im not sure if Im alone here, but it would be really nice if there was a chance for one person to do it as well. Maybe extend the time length depending on how many people are battling the raid? I am good at battling and have it down, but run out of time before I can finish them off. I dont know, maybe Im not a high enough level. Im level 24...
I love Pokemon go
I lost all my friends cause I picked The yellow team and they picked the red team now they dont talk to me anymore:( plz fix
This game is really good. But the way niantic went about legendaries couldve been better. Kids and younger players cant pay for a flight ticket or even come up with money to get into go fest. And those who didnt get in to go fest only got double candies. And for us rural players this adds ANOTHER unfair piece. We dont have much players where I live so we cant even get those legendaries that RARELY appear because theres not much gyms. I also think its pretty unfair how people can like 3 tyranitars in a day because of the gym raids. Ive never seen a tyranitar from raids or anything. I also think that the Santa Monica pier is pretty unfair because this game is really popular there because of the good spawns while where I live theres nothing but geodudes and the occasional cyndaquill. The raids are an awesome part of the game but legendaries are just a bit unfair since at the Santa Monica pier they can get tyranitars and legendaries all in one day.
Very boring and is hard to find Pokémon
there should be a chat room with your location so for example if there was a raid battle going on but you didnt have enough players to beat it you could go to the chat room and ask if anyone could come to the raid and help
Could not recommend less. Every session will inexplicably end without warning after an arbitrary distance. This means an 5-mile run can be completely wasted because it stopped tracking within the first five minutes. It almost never recognizes when Im at a PokéStop and will sometimes show the Stop well after Ive left it. These issues continue after multiple reinstalls. Niantic, new features are well and good but how about putting your resources into ensuring the current product works as intended before you start adding new content? Of course making sure the WatchOS app is garbage is a great way to make people spend money on Pokémon Go Plus. Well played.
Im really excited that I can get an articuno except wait I cant I cant join a private battle to get my teams legendary this is bs and I cant even play the game without it crashing fix it please and take out private raids for legendary Pokémon its a load of bs
I love the game, Ive had it ever since it came out. Lots of fun to play with all of my friends and family. There is one issue with my game though. Im on team instinct. So my main guy is Spark. But when I go to my Pokémons appraisal, it shows up the girl from team valor, Candela. Please fix this. Thanks! ??
There needs to be more ways of earning coins in this game. We also need hospitals to be made into Pokémon centers where trainers can heal all of their Pokémon and collect items. There should also be some occurrences that happen based on the weather in a trainers location. For example, if its raining, more water Pokémon should appear, and if a heat wave is going on, more fire Pokémon should appear, and if its snowing, more ice Pokémon should appear. Also, the camera feature does not work photos do not get saved when you take pictures of Pokémon
yay double stardust event
I tried creating a group ID and wasted 3 passes because the gym kept asking me for them. This is a glitch that needs to be fixed. Once my team said we did not need a group ID, I joined normally to battle, while it still asked for another raid pass. I wasted a total of 3 raid passes not including the 4th which was successful for me finally able to join the raid. I want to be compensated for this because I really love this game, but unfair that there is a glitch that asks for xtra raid passes while creating a new ID.
It crashes on both my iPhone 7 Plus and Apple Watch Series 2, most of the time it doesnt even work on the watch. ? But thanks for the big update.
Did I forget to mention how often the game crashes? If I did, well, let me tell you, after more than one year youd think they would fix this crash issue. Nope. Dont count on it getting better.
Almost everytime I get on Pokémon go there is an update so I can BARELY play Pokémon go
Let me know if anyone (people) successfully beat legendary ones! Feeding berries remotely may work only in short distance but not if you are a couple blocks away ? Still crashes often during/after accessing the gyms. Hoping the issues will be resolved. ? The movement during fighting at a gym has significant improvements (dodging attack).?
I hate that you have to what till 1:00 am before you can get another raid pass and then you have to what 2 hours
So the most recent update was supposed to allow remote gym feeding. Aaaand its gone.
You should make it to where players can battle each other individually other than that the game is great.