Pokémon GO App Reviews

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Real Review

Ive been playing Pokémon for for over a year now and almost everyday. I can tell you Ive enjoyed it for the most part HOWEVER there are a few things that make this game not so awesome! First of all its a great motivator for exercise. But I do have to say that if you are under the impression you will catch them all you wont. Also if you dont live near a major city you may want to just buy a Pokémon game for a Nintendo Consul youll catch more. Raids are ok but good luck battling those alone. I have a decent amount of strong Pokémon however I cant battle a raid alone other then a level 2. So Legendary Pokémon are just a dream you should not even entertain. Good luck getting a Lapras been playing almost every day for one year still no Lapras. But all and all its ok. Honesty they need to make it more single player friendly.

Managed by a child?

A lot of bug and crash, yesterday event is terrible. Maybe you dont have QA department to test before send out to the world!

Updates get in the way of daily targets

If you make someone update to play the game but still have daily log in requirements, as a game developer you should consider being careful about making the game updates available. I was prompted to update, and the game brought me to the App Store where he update was unavailable for about a day. This ruined a 6 day streak for pokestops which you made vital for getting important items and experience. I have a fun time playing, but Ill remember this kind of annoyance when playing. With free games you have a low investment incentive which means that it is likely that customers will get annoyed and think twice about playing again. Your failures effect the industry.

Great new update

Love the new raid battles, just wish they were more often

Love it BUT fix the glitch!!

Im on Team Instinct but now all of the sudden I have Candela as my leader appraising my Pokémon?? The background is still yellow for Instinct and she says the same thing as Spark but now its Candela? Please fix that, thanks.

Most addictive and creative ever played

Pokémon Go is definitely the most addictive game I have ever played. Since I started, I have been much more active exploring nearby parks and other public places than before. The updates have made the "sightings" function more accurate, though I have found a couple of other apps that are better at locating Pokémons nearby. Sometimes there are server issues, but these are relatively minor compared to the fact that the game is overall fantastic!

No pokestops near me for miles

Done with the game lol really bad


So I considered myself a patient person and this game has been broken for about 5 updates for me.... I use to play this game all the time when it first came out, and then.. it broke. I have gone to there website, looked at all the different solutions for my bug and none of them suffice. So my problem is I can not log in, it always says authoration has failed.. But anyway, i guess this is just my expierince.

Its Glidched!

I dont know how but the team Valor leader is judging my pkmn!!! Why is this bad? Im in team Instinct! Fix it or at least change my team lol.

Could be great

Dont get me wrong, I want to like this game, I really do, but that being said, it just doesnt have the support it needs to be a truly great game. I live in a rural area as do many of us who play, and by now everybody knows rural Pokémon go is a joke. The only Pokémon that ever appear are either common or slightly less common. Uncommon Pokémon are rare, and anything "rare" is, to put it bluntly nonexistent, and with the advent of legendary raids, most of us have no hope of ever getting a legendary Pokémon, I know I dont. Unless you have a large group of friends who go out to play with you, most rural players take on raids alone or with one or two other people, and from what Ive seen of legendary raid battles, thats just not going to cut it. Now I get why Niantic doesnt have much focus on the rural areas (much like New York government), we just dont have the population of the urban areas. So it makes sense why they seem to ignore us, but it doesnt make it any better. Also just for my sake, they should really have better bicycle support. The speed caps are too low. I would understand doubling distances if you reach a certain speed, but going for a ride, trying to squeeze in a little time to play only to have made almost no progress on buddy candy or incubators is just disheartening. There rant over. Will anyone of importance see it, no. Will it make a difference, no, but I feel a little better.


We finally get legendary Pokémon and updated gyms

Footsteps staying at three

pls add tracking back


You should be able to trade your Pokémon with other players and they should add more Poke stops

Make it compatible for iPhone 4s too

Pls make it compatible gor iphone 4s too


Ive been playing since the game came out, and *was* in its buggy state…well, much has changed. Kinda. All in all pretty well done. But recently Candela has been showing up instead of Spark during appraisals. That needs fixing

Slow to load, battery drainer...

Dozens of reasons to not download, chief among them is that Niantic doesnt care about 95% of the players. Delete this game, or never download it, and find another, better iPhone game.

Boring. Deleted.

Playing first time after a few months. If I leave the app to send s text message, when I switch back to Pokémon it reloads as if Im opening it for the first time. Takes almost a minute to resume the game. Basically I either cannot use my phone, or I waste time waiting for game loading. iPhone 6s on wifi and cellular. Seems the game has only gotten slower over the last few months. I guess Ill just delete it again

Better after the update!

The game still needs work, but its definitely a good game!

Another Micro Transaction Monster

This game is very boring and repetitive is you play it without spending lots of money in order to catch anything other than a Pidgeot or Zubat.

Improved but not perfect

It seems now more Pokémon spawn and there are more things to do. Great. The game still crashes a lot. Also the CP drop for having a Pokémon at a gym (had a Pokémon lose 500 cp after a couple hours) is ridiculous. The game still panders to people living in a city with so little occupation they can sit at a gym. Also the "go to gym" function works only part of the time.

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