This game is really good. But the way niantic went about legendaries couldve been better. Kids and younger players cant pay for a flight ticket or even come up with money to get into go fest. And those who didnt get in to go fest only got double candies. And for us rural players this adds ANOTHER unfair piece. We dont have much players where I live so we cant even get those legendaries that RARELY appear because theres not much gyms. I also think its pretty unfair how people can like 3 tyranitars in a day because of the gym raids. Ive never seen a tyranitar from raids or anything. I also think that the Santa Monica pier is pretty unfair because this game is really popular there because of the good spawns while where I live theres nothing but geodudes and the occasional cyndaquill. The raids are an awesome part of the game but legendaries are just a bit unfair since at the Santa Monica pier they can get tyranitars and legendaries all in one day.
I like mudkip about Pokémon GO, v1.39.0