We have been playing as a family since the day it started! My son has been obsessed with Pokémon for years and was so excited for Pokémon Go to come out! We figured if you cant beat them, join them! Its been a very fun family activity - but now its become increasingly frustrating. Please increase the total Pokémon storage and the total amount of items you can have in your bag! Every day I have to clean out the kids accounts for both things. I hate deleting items and Pokémon that will at some point be able to evolve... when you add so many new Pokémon and different berries, you have to be able to hold more items! Also - we all have Pokebracelets, and at this point, if youre going over a certain speed, they dont work either. I think its more dangerous trying to slow down enough, or do it manually, than just pushing a button. Please fix ASAP!!!