Pokémon Go was the one game I wanted. It was the game everyone was talking about. I couldnt get it at the time, because I had an android. When I got an iPhone, I was super happy because I could finally get the game. But I ran into problems right away. First off: Wifi. If the game didnt require wifi, then I think more people would play it. When I first got the game, I didnt have data, so naturally I was heartbroken. I was so close to playing the game everyone was talking about, the game I had so desperately wanted to play. So I deleted Pokémon and went on with my life. When I finally got data, I downloaded Pokémon Go again, and finally got to play it. It really is a somewhat of an addicting game, and I loved playing it. Ive always been a fan of Pokémon, because I loved playing it on the DSI that me and my siblings shared. But now I feel that people arent actually appreciating what original Pokémon is. Anyways, another problem I ran into is Pokéstops. No matter how close I am to them, I can never get anything from them. I could be right inside of a Pokéstop, and it would still say I am to far away. This is frustrating because Im out of Pokéballs, and I have no actual money on my phone to pay for any. And, I was told that the only other way to get Pokéballs was from Pokéstops, so Im sad, that, once again, Im unable to play Pokémon Go.