I only have 1 thought & that is card decks, where you can (buy/walk for/comes from a pokestop) special pokemon or get candy (but, they need to include in the algorithm a way to check what pokemon we have to get only (not the right wording) "more needed" candies) Also, im having a problem with the eggs. No biggie, just i walk the same distance as i did before, but yet it takes longer for the eggs to hatch. The 7 day streak is nice, but i got a ditto from a pidgey. Please only gen 2 pokemon, shiny, regional (mr mime, kangaskhan, etc.) or legendary please. Your spring/easter event is great (do more - i havent gotten articuno, moltres or zapdos yet) but i got 5 togepi in a row(!), then 2 more after i evolved togepi. I have walked over 3 weeks now, still no kings rock! Sure, i mean i just got another metak core, but for what? But for what?, I already evolved my onix into a steelix. Also, any time i run out of purchased incubators the game thrones me 5 10k eggs. Then when i buy incubators back to 2k & 5k eggs. Thanks for the game!