So if miltanks are Ultra-Rare how come I have so many of them????
So if miltanks are Ultra-Rare how come I have so many of them????
Hi professor I just have to say to you,this is the best game ever! I didnt know before I caught that Snorlax! New update: Alright so now me and my fellow trainers in fact all of them can catch gen 2 Pokémon! This is best game ever (restated) that I will never delete it again! Why? Because you can evolve your Pokémon into bigger,rarer and more powerful Pokémon! Sincerely,Zachith The best Pokémon trainer ever!
I was recently browsing google images and I saw that there will be a cool new update and I want to know if its true and if it is then when is it coming out?
Hello. I am an eleven year old that is sick of not seeing sponsored pokestop and missing the best Pokémon.i personally love most of the game but I HATE the speed limit. I live in a rural area that after the update STILL has no Pokémon.i put my actual age in it while my mom made my little sisters age different so now Im the only one who cant see them. I think that it would be more fair if you disable the speed limit for those who cant see the sponsors.i would like it so that regular pokeballs are infinite and you dont need those from stops. That would make room for another feature I would like it would be getting candy from the pokestop
The speed cap is too low, cant get pokestops when Im a passenger when its the only way I can get them since I rarely visit them, other than that its a great game
Theres been a definite improvement to this game since my review from last year. Bugs are gone, and even new concepts like tracking the wild Pokémon are in there now. Although my suggestions didnt get put into effect, thats okay. Great job, Niantic. This game is very enjoyable! ?
Passes the time, but the gps tracking is way off. Mapped out 5 miles on multiple gps watches and running applications but this app shows it as less than a mile. And no it has nothing to do with elevation gain, the route is entirely flat and one big loop.
Played the game since day 1 went through everything, this app has gone backwards from the state it was released in, still no working tracker(for rural players) still no battling still no trading. Niantic refuses to listen to players wants and needs and they continue to stroll on thinking they can do whatever they want. Until they make some major changes to the game I am done. I cant deal with this nonsense, cant play in a car riding anywhere, cant find anything, and you continue to ignore us. 0/5 Ps Tracker tracker tracker tracker tracker tracker Tracker tracker tracker tracker tracker tracker Tracker tracker tracker tracker tracker tracker Tracker tracker tracker tracker tracker tracker Tracker tracker tracker tracker tracker tracker Tracker tracker tracker tracker tracker tracker Tracker tracker tracker tracker tracker tracker. If you had a working one maybe the game would be okay.... Tracker tracker tracker tracker tracker tracker Tracker tracker tracker tracker tracker tracker Tracker tracker tracker tracker tracker tracker but nooooo why would we have a working tracker to find Pokémon why would that make sense? Lets just let people randomly wander into areas. And go to landmarks after hours only because youre not supposed to be there, youre logic is not there niantic having a pokestop tracker solves nothing especially when youre in an area without many, or just having one.... its ridiculous its like hey do you live in a city? Cool we got you. Awe you dont? Sorry this game isnt for you. Like for real this game is so broken for people who live in areas where there are minimal stops and spawns like why? Just give us a working tracker thats it all Ive wanted since week 2 was to bring back the FOOTSTEPS!!!!!
You guys need to fix your app. This app is supposed to be for walking around right? Well whenever I get off wifi, the game stops working and crashes! There was an OP Growlithe near my school so we walked and as we were walking, it crashed and NO MORE GROWLITHE! There are always the same Pokemon that I catch. I need better Pokemon since Im a newer player. So here are things you should add or you will lose lots of people interests: 1. Gen 3 and 4. I mean SRSLY we waited a year to get gen 2 2. More poke stops 3. An easier way to get poke coins 4. Better Pokemon 5. Fix all the glitches that everyones complaining about! I hope Niantic reads this comment!! Because they have been so lazy lately
I have played since day one, but lately I rarely even try. Niantic have ruined the game slowly, and I am sick of hearing from others about how its the players fault if they no longer enjoy it. NO it is the game and developers faults, no one elses. I am on iPhone 7 and have had zero loading issues, others claim to. However other aspects are still ruining game play! all this idiotic cant play while driving, cant even play while a passenger is INSANE whats the point in asking then? Stupid stupid stupid stupid.GET RID of the Speed cap! People do not ALL live in hot climates. People are not ALL able to walk, real players have disabilities, transportation issues, jobs and school! Some places are outright dangerous to wander through and riding in a car is a must for safety! When speed cap ENDS I will rate it better. And play again.
If you guys arent already in the works. Can you come out with an update or feature that allows you to battle other trainers without having to be at a gym. I have lots of friends who play this game and majority are in different teams.
You cant change your team once you make a selection. I dont know anyone in the blue team and I wish there was some way to communicate with them with in a certain radius to talk strategy.
Even Oliver Stone spoke out against this game. We are giving our children the ability for Google (founder of Niantic) to have unrestricted access to mobile cameras and location information. This is no joke. Save your privacy while you still can!
This game is so ridiculously unbalanced, its not even fun anymore. Theres about five Pokémon that are ridiculously strong and none of the others are even close in comparison. How is a Blissey good against everything? Its not even fun to fight gyms anymore since everyone just stacks them with Blisseys that you can barely beat by the 90 second limit. Not to mention that I ran out of revives weeks ago but every time I hit a poke stop I get a ton of poke balls and thats it. This game crashes so much and I get logged out randomly all the time. I was so excited for this game to come out and now its not even worth playing anymore.
Im able to use my berries but they do not work as an application to the Pokémon. So Im using the berries and wasting them because they arent affective. I dont know if this is a bug. While catching Pokémon it glitches out and makes me waste pokeballs as well. There are many bugs as well as GPS problems.
I love this game but I feel like it should notify us if someone takes out our gym or notify us when we can collect our coin other wise this game is awesome and I still play it everyday all day
The new promo code thing thats restricted to android users is flat out unfair I just read the article on Facebook and if android users get a promo code thing then IOS users should also
You guys need to open the game up for trading. And add a poke shop were you can buy potions and candies and everything like the game boy version
I wish you could sell or trade your Pokémon for poké-coins
Awesome game but the fact that I cant train my Pokémon is weird??????????