Played the game since day 1 went through everything, this app has gone backwards from the state it was released in, still no working tracker(for rural players) still no battling still no trading. Niantic refuses to listen to players wants and needs and they continue to stroll on thinking they can do whatever they want. Until they make some major changes to the game I am done. I cant deal with this nonsense, cant play in a car riding anywhere, cant find anything, and you continue to ignore us. 0/5
Ps Tracker tracker tracker tracker tracker tracker Tracker tracker tracker tracker tracker tracker Tracker tracker tracker tracker tracker tracker Tracker tracker tracker tracker tracker tracker Tracker tracker tracker tracker tracker tracker Tracker tracker tracker tracker tracker tracker Tracker tracker tracker tracker tracker tracker. If you had a working one maybe the game would be okay.... Tracker tracker tracker tracker tracker tracker Tracker tracker tracker tracker tracker tracker Tracker tracker tracker tracker tracker tracker but nooooo why would we have a working tracker to find Pokémon why would that make sense? Lets just let people randomly wander into areas. And go to landmarks after hours only because youre not supposed to be there, youre logic is not there niantic having a pokestop tracker solves nothing especially when youre in an area without many, or just having one.... its ridiculous its like hey do you live in a city? Cool we got you. Awe you dont? Sorry this game isnt for you. Like for real this game is so broken for people who live in areas where there are minimal stops and spawns like why? Just give us a working tracker thats it all Ive wanted since week 2 was to bring back the FOOTSTEPS!!!!!
psychopyro565 about Pokémon GO, v1.31.0