I really dislike the changes. I was playing Pokémon Go every day. Gyms, coins, & Stardust! Prestige & showing off my strong Pokémon to all! Now? I dont play at all. On top of a burnout that was already creeping on me due to SO MUCH driving (no dont shake your head; this game CANT be played very long without *LOTS* of driving to locations - sorry kids), & greedy programmers are paying themselves with nasty ball-stealing Pokémon & no comprehendable way to collect coins. They changes have me ultimately disliking a game I used to LOVE and Im upset that I dedicated/committed so much time & money to this app to get to level 35 to finish here. What did you do to our game? There is no incentive for gyms AT ALL. No incentive to get my CPs up, no incentive to give berries to Pokémon in gyms... why? Whos creating over there at Niantic? I truly dont understand. So... I just stopped playing. The positive after not playing for two-weeks is that I have become productive with the rest of my life & am back into things that matter.