Pokémon GO App Reviews

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Great game. But please read.

This was an outstanding game and was some completely new and awesome for a lot of people. However, as time rolls on the number of people I know to have played this enjoyable game have ceased or toned down play time substantially. Please add a mini-game with small rewards. I know youre slowly releasing new content and having these events. But, Im telling you its not gonna be enough. Youre losing your clientele fast than youre putting out new content. Good luck. I hope to see more changes and additions that will make this experience closer to the experience we receive playing the hand held console game. (NPCs with tasks, mini games, more ways of earning exp, along with more ways of earning stardust) I hope this message reaches you. Mini games????

Moltress Gym Raid Game Crash

I love this game but the one thing that is wrong is that when you defeat a legendary pokemon your game crashes. Before you could just relaunch the game and you could catch it, but it wasnt there. Just a waste of potions and a gym raid pass

Still crashing constantly

Game will still crash on me constantly!! Niantic need to get their crap together and actually fix the problem for iphone6

Awesome game! One problem

In your recent update this month you claimed to have fixed the motivation decay bug for under 3000 cp Pokémon, but my 1905 cp blissey which I hatched as a chansey still has motivation decay

Stopped working!

Your so called "iPhone 6 crash fix" has made the crashes worse. I cant even load into the game now! Terrible job Niantic.


Play it for your self its awesome

Please add other ways to get legendarys!

Maybe if you would add another way to get legends Id rate this game fully. But until then only a four star.


I used to think it was good but now I hate it .

Slowly but Surely losing all Its fun

Dec 2016: At this point, unless you live in a city with dozens of stops around and do nothing but dedicate to walking around JUST to play the game you arent getting anywhere level/item wise. As an university student, I loved being able to play during my commute and my walks on campus, but now that I cant play on my bus rides, my walks are not enough to supply items. Slowly but surely, They are losing their players. The game still lacks so much that was promised, and people with be patient for only so long. August 2017: The raid and gym update makes the game much more enjoyable! With the second gen and the legendaries to insert some hype, I cant wait to go back to college to find teamates to raid the towers with. Sure, without a big group, at the moment I have little chance, but I am excited as the game starts to fill out all those promised voids.

Gyms make no sense, raids need work.

There is no reason to hold a gym or multiple gyms..... you want to take a gym then hope someone from a different team than you, waits long enough for you to get you gym reward but not to long to where you dont get your meager 50 coins a day for holding a gym. Maybe if you got more coins or if you got 50 coins per gym but the way gyms work as of now is ridiculously contradicting. Raids are ok but if you dont grind raid battles you almost have no chance at getting any legendary Pokémon and if you dont live in town have fun solo battling magikarps thats all youll want to solo......maybe you will get a shiny or maybe niantic will make gyms worth battling. I love Pokémon if I didnt I would have stoped playing when they reworked the gyms. Please make the gyms worth holding?

Overheating Problems

Love the game but the biggest problem Im having is that I cant play the game not even for 10mins before my phone starts getting hot. Then when the phone starts getting hot I start having problems with playing it. Its the only app on my phone that does this. Its really upsetting because I have to rate this 3 until the problem is solved :(


I think they should make the LEGENDARIES just a liiiiitle bit easier to Beat lol but other than that they doing they thing right now! Pokémon Go is most definitely BACK! ??

Some issues

Niantic seems to have fixed a lot of the bugs that were plaguing gyms. Theres still a few, and when Im in a group of ten or more fighting a legendary there will be someone who gets kicked off. Im leaving my review three stars (it should be two) because its an ABSOLUTE CHEAT that they nerfed the amount of pokecoins you can get per day to 50 coins. As someone who works a lot and can only really play on weekends, Ill add my Pokémon to gyms, and since theyre so easy to take down now, I only get pokecoins for one of them. Maybe. Sometimes. Yesterday I got 14 coins all day. If you want people to buy pokecoins, make them more affordable, add better things to buy, lower the price of raid passes to 50 coins, whatever. Making coins harder to get is just a real dillhole move.

Good but...

Sometimes I dont receive coins from my Pokemon in gyms. Theyll be in there for over a day, come back, and I dont get any coins. Fix it. Its making me not want to play.

Steady Decline

I still play an enjoy but I feel like we should be able to trade by now. The amount of crashes of the game have increased, especially on the iPhone 6 which was supposed to be addressed in a recent update. Each time I open the game it crashes and I have to open again. The crashes in raids... I wont even go there.

Pokémon go

Best game ever it is so awesome and fun

Pokémon go

Omg I love this game it reminds me of Pokémon go its game where u go around and catch these little cute monsters called Pokémon its really fun but I like it

Its great but heres some suggestions

Pokémon go is a great game but u guys seriously need to add separate battles and a friends list seriously thx plz add it and u can see people ohh plz niantic plz...

Really stupid n dumb

Y did this game come on in the first place its stupid n dumb wen it first come out there was a lot of people out middle of the nite jus to catch this stupid retarded things wen its not real life n who ever made this game they were stupid to make this game in the first place n now NO ONE doesnt play with this game cause it booooorrrrriiiiinnnnn n stupid n dumb


Im sure its a great game its just that it wont open on an iPhone 4s. Can u please fix it.

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