Gyms make no sense, raids need work.
There is no reason to hold a gym or multiple gyms..... you want to take a gym then hope someone from a different team than you, waits long enough for you to get you gym reward but not to long to where you dont get your meager 50 coins a day for holding a gym. Maybe if you got more coins or if you got 50 coins per gym but the way gyms work as of now is ridiculously contradicting. Raids are ok but if you dont grind raid battles you almost have no chance at getting any legendary Pokémon and if you dont live in town have fun solo battling magikarps thats all youll want to solo......maybe you will get a shiny or maybe niantic will make gyms worth battling. I love Pokémon if I didnt I would have stoped playing when they reworked the gyms. Please make the gyms worth holding?
hopscotch king about
Pokémon GO, v1.39.1