Sun and mood is better butt I play is a lot some bugs need to be fix nut still very fun
Sun and mood is better butt I play is a lot some bugs need to be fix nut still very fun
Its a good game and I play it often. It just seems hard to level up. Maybe the developers could make it easier to progress?
Trainers should be able to actually battle each other and trade Pokémon also you guys need to hammer out a few bugs and crashes (currently I cant even get the game to load it constantly signs me out and throws me in a loop of sign in sign out)
The game is fun, but there isnt really anything to do. The game has been out for a year, but not much content has been added. What content the game does have works well enough, but there just isnt anything to do.
I cant believe how underwhelming this event is...Ive been pretty loyal and active in the game (getting friends to still play when theyd decided to give up)...sticking it out through bugs and slow rollouts for new features but wow...keep your hats and those boxes...I am beyond disappointed in this game at this point.
Read the title
Their 3-step feature, a crucial part of the game, was broken. Thats fine, bugs happen. But weeks go by and no communication...and then they update and remove the feature entirely... And then they make it even HARDER to catch Pokemon, as they continuously break out of the ball even when they are CP 10. Is this a ploy to sell more poke balls for $$$? ? If they would seriously get off their hands and COMMUNICATE with their fan base and update them on what is going on, maybe there wouldnt be so much backlash. As of now? Well, their 1.5 star rating on the App Store tells the story. Heres another. Get better.
Game has been crashing. Ive had to delete the app and redownload it many times. Also the same Pokémon since day 1. Please add new ones to catch. Also my wife has the game and it would be nice to battle her gorgeous fun but cant do it. Please fix.
The game is awsome but today which is the Pokémon go anniversary it kept signing me out of my google account
The developers have become too greedy and ruined their own game. Unless you have money to funnel into this game, its not worth your time.
I have never experienced a company that disrespects its customers on such a consistent basis. Once again, Niantic goes and takes another step back and treats its player base with nothing but a cheap money grab.
PoGo was an amazing concept and started out with a massive and great player base just as it came out. I totally understand why they had to remove the original tracking system due to the amount of data traffic their servers had to deal with. Then there was that fiasco about how terrible and nonexistent their pr was. Those two things dealt a huge blow to PoGos player base. With the recent anniversary event, its pretty sad to see that they decided to flick off their loyal fan base by providing a "deal" which isnt much of a deal at all. The packages cost can be calculated as the store value of its components and even more... Even though its been a year, I hope they grow to understand that their player base should be appreciated for being loyal.
I loved Pokémon go and I think the update had a lot of potential but I am really upset with the fact that my Pokémon can DEFEAT 16 Pokémon in a gym and stay there but I only get 50 coins when it comes back to me a day and a half later. The coin cap takes the game from a 10 to a 2 due to the fact that I can only get 100 coins in 24 hours. I dont see the point in taking/holding multiple gyms when I only get credit for some. I had 5 Pokémon in gyms, 3 returned and I only got 50 coins for it. Thats crap. Hopefully they fix this issue before I stop playing. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I used 5 golden razz and I couldnt catch the raid boss. Thats bull. I hit it with all 13 balls including 10 great/nice throws and I still didnt catch him. That is the biggest waste of time and the biggest load of crap. It should measure how much you waste to not get the raid boss... game moving down on my list.
Its a fun game but the problem is with the raid battles every time I try playing it just says error.
Niantic has managed to disappoint again. I had no expectations and was still disappointed, thatll tell you about how much they care about the player base...
"GFY ?" - Niantic
Niantic, constantly pulling failure from the flames of success
Can never catch the Pokémon after beating it in the raid.
Still an amazing game, Im not surprised since its Pokémon.