I loved Pokémon go and I think the update had a lot of potential but I am really upset with the fact that my Pokémon can DEFEAT 16 Pokémon in a gym and stay there but I only get 50 coins when it comes back to me a day and a half later. The coin cap takes the game from a 10 to a 2 due to the fact that I can only get 100 coins in 24 hours. I dont see the point in taking/holding multiple gyms when I only get credit for some. I had 5 Pokémon in gyms, 3 returned and I only got 50 coins for it. Thats crap. Hopefully they fix this issue before I stop playing.
I used 5 golden razz and I couldnt catch the raid boss. Thats bull. I hit it with all 13 balls including 10 great/nice throws and I still didnt catch him. That is the biggest waste of time and the biggest load of crap. It should measure how much you waste to not get the raid boss... game moving down on my list.
amazingpowers about Pokémon GO, v1.37.2