The most noticeable bug in this update is an issue with the Team Leader images. When I go to Appraise a pokemon, another teams Leader appears instead of mine, saying the exact same lines my leader says but with the wrong image. Ive tried restarting and uninstall/reinstalls and the bug is persistent, happening every time I hit Appraise. The update is now generating strange in-game network errors too. If its taking its newly inordinate amount of time to transfer catch data, but you tap on a pokemon it disappears and throws up an Error message. The maps now take a lot longer to update and load to your current position if you had the app open earlier in a different place and didnt force quit it afterward. The maps also disappear from view into an ugly white fogginess before the perceivable in-game horizon since last update. Its a weird and somewhat annoying UI change. Lastly, bring back training at Gyms! The berries system does not replace being able to train at your gym and get better at battling. Why even have the training badge there if its inaccessible for everyone? On that note too, add berries to the shop if its going to be something trainers need to use more often.