Please fixed the problems with the new update with iPhone
Please fixed the problems with the new update with iPhone
Can I really say anything that hasnt been said, great game! At first it may not seem like you get many pokeballs but there are pokestops everywhere and they refresh pretty quickly. The absence of the footprints for tracking Pokemon is a bit annoying, but personally I like the way pokémon cluster around pokestops better anyway.
Love the game but it would be really cool if we could battle other players, what if you made a button in setting that you turn on and it will let you go live so you can be seen by other players and they can see you, if you dont have it on then you wont be seen and open for battle, if would be so butch better if we could battle other trainers
Best game in the App Store I play it every day, its fun it gets you out the house to explore with my kids & even the wife plays gets in on the action from time to time, love the way they add events & updates keep the greatness coming Pokémon go!!!
Best game ever you should download this app
I would like to see one improvement...when my Pokémon is at a gym, I would like to be able to see info on gym location from Pokémon list while being at home. Also, the sub category with the heart...hp...only categorizes by cp. it should be by hp so I can see who has the best hp easily
Upon opening, the app asks you to update to the latest version to proceed, with no option to not. Youre directed to the App Store, where there is no update, only the option to Open. Press Open if you want to repeat the process!
I was on iPhone 5 newest iOS and The game was stuck on a white screen frozen pokeball. My game now loads and I can finally play yay
I got the most recent update and now when I go on the app no Pokémon show up on the nearby. I closed the app and that didnt fix anything. Please fix this
the app was glitching so I deleted it and redownloaded it and now all of my progress is gone, I cant even sign back in... disappointed ://////
This newest update makes the game crash on the load screen. Was playing fine just before I updated and immediately after update it started crashing and havent been able to play since.
The newest update causes the app to crash immediately upon launch making it unplayable. Despite many reports of crashes, the company hasnt issued an update or even a message to their users. Its deplorable. Addendum: It is now January 18th, 4 days short of one month since the update that broke the game for many people. No update, no official fix, no official acknowledgment of the issue. Niantics treatment of its player base is beyond reprehensible. Dont bother investing any money in a game by a company that doesnt respect you or at least makes an effort to fake it. January 18th, 2017 update: The app continues to crash upon launch. But given that the crash still remains unacknowledged in the update notes, I guess we shouldnt be surprised. January 23rd, 2017: Company releases update to add Korean language support, but again, no mention of players theyd screwed on December 22nd. App still crashes immediately at launch. January 31st: Apparently Niantic hates old players and only caters to new ones. App crashes on launch since December 22nd 2016. Niantic, if you think Ill stop coming here and downgrading your app for such despicable behaviour, youll be sorely disappointed. February 16th: STILL CRASHING!!! March 6th: Guess what? Yep, still crashing. No respect for the clients with iPhone 6s, huh Niantic? March 24th: STILL CRASHING!!! No support for iPhones 6 from Niantic. Have now an extremely poor opinion of that company.
Really disappointed that Niantic still has not fixed serious issues that the app still crashes frequently when playing, and freezes occasionally when its launching. Ive never seen an app which crashes quite often like this. Technical capability looks too low. よくこの内容・完成度・品質でリリースしたなぁと。 質素で不親切、作り込みも雑。探して集めるゲームなのにアシスト機能もないなんて。 アプリそのものもバックエンドも貧弱過ぎて問題多数。 何が起きようと何のアナウンスもない、やる気のまったく見えないお粗末な運営スタイル。 良くも悪くも海外アプリでした。 こんな中途半端なサービスに課金させようというのが恐れ入ります。 すでに課金してしまったユーザーがあまりにかわいそうです。 これではノータッチな任天堂のイメージさえも悪くなってしまうのでは。 やりたいことの1割しか実現していないらしいですが その割に更新内容が毎回お粗末。 更新するたびにバグが現れ重くなりカクつくように。 どうでもいいアップデートばかりで、フリーズや頻繁なクラッシュという致命的な欠陥はずっと残ったまま。 とりあえずちゃんとテストしてからリリースしてください。 技術力も企画力も低すぎます。
This game was a game changer but it slowly died after a while it wasnt fun anymore
PROBLEMS NEED FIXING: 1. App Still lags 2. Lapras being nurfed needs to be changed as those of us who worked hard on walking and upgrading with stardust and now lose CP bring it back or give us back stardust! 3. Cant spin pokestopd while being on a train, bus or passenger in a car!! BRING BACK THE ABILITY TO SPIN LET IS HAVE THE ABILITY TO CHANGE TEAM JUST ONE TIME!
Do people still play this nonsense? Was a nice idea but its a fail. Well I guess its a win for collecting peopls cash for such a poor game. Gameplay suxs, only thing Pokemon bout it is the Pokemon. People still play? Fing morons still slinging balls tryin to lvl up same caught Pokemon. Coulda been awesome but they left out soooo much gameplay that coulda made it last. Just stupid throw ball and try catch over and over and over and over and over and thats just about it, thats not a game folks, just stupid
It is an amazing app if you have nothing to do you can walk around and get your exercise for the day. One suggestion I have is to and some of the newer Pokémon. With every update there should be new Pokémon to look for.
The best game ever I lost so much weight and it is realistic
Most people say this game is bad and stuff, but I love it. It is such a great game and even though it died out, there is still plenty to do. I love this game and hope in the future you can catch more Pokémon than the first two generations.