The newest update causes the app to crash immediately upon launch making it unplayable.
Despite many reports of crashes, the company hasnt issued an update or even a message to their users. Its deplorable.
Addendum: It is now January 18th, 4 days short of one month since the update that broke the game for many people. No update, no official fix, no official acknowledgment of the issue. Niantics treatment of its player base is beyond reprehensible.
Dont bother investing any money in a game by a company that doesnt respect you or at least makes an effort to fake it.
January 18th, 2017 update: The app continues to crash upon launch. But given that the crash still remains unacknowledged in the update notes, I guess we shouldnt be surprised.
January 23rd, 2017: Company releases update to add Korean language support, but again, no mention of players theyd screwed on December 22nd. App still crashes immediately at launch.
January 31st: Apparently Niantic hates old players and only caters to new ones. App crashes on launch since December 22nd 2016. Niantic, if you think Ill stop coming here and downgrading your app for such despicable behaviour, youll be sorely disappointed.
February 16th: STILL CRASHING!!!
March 6th: Guess what? Yep, still crashing. No respect for the clients with iPhone 6s, huh Niantic?
March 24th: STILL CRASHING!!! No support for iPhones 6 from Niantic. Have now an extremely poor opinion of that company.
Phantom_Phoenix about
Pokémon GO, v1.29.1