For some reason my app crashes every time I log in...and Ive tried everything to get in i.e. Restarted my phone, deleted app and reinstalled it etc.
For some reason my app crashes every time I log in...and Ive tried everything to get in i.e. Restarted my phone, deleted app and reinstalled it etc.
DO NOT BUY COINS! Cheaters get them for free! 100 coins a day. Meanwhile Niantic creates events to lure people to use real money!!!! They did fix the sound!!! Now for some duelling, friends list, and item trading. Pokémon trading should wait until after the cheaters are banned. Until China gets Pokémon Go we will see spoofers :( Now the game review! Ok, so this game is very simple and has very little depth. If youre here and have no clue what Pokémon are then enjoy this free app. Then go play a real Pokemon game! Like Sun or Moon Have a good one!
My app has stopped working since the latest update. Just a string of problems one after the other. Sucks cause the game is fun.
Every time I try to play when Im not at my house it says no Internet connection does it need Wi-Fi or not
The meowth in Pokémon go isnt the original meowth Pokémon its team rockets meowth, the original walk on all four legs and the female has feminine eyes, do your research, in season 2 episode 16 "go west young meowth" youd be able to see that
Since the new update, I can only play on wifi. Ive tried changing settings, deleting the app, but still cannot play if Im not connected to wifi.
Apparently, when I stand still, Im walking too fast and everything disappears. Really? Seriously, speed cap is set too low. This last update ruined the game.
Ever since the speed update and the water festival the game crashes waaaay too frequently. Pokémon appear. And before I can click it all nearby Pokémon have disappeared. This game used to be fun. Now its just frustrating.
To many people are like WAIT I CANT DRIVE AND CHEAT or demanding more pokestops rare Pokemon to be more common and stuff but it just doesnt happen overnight you have to train up and heres whats behind gyms because if they start with strong Pokemon itll be stronger every time someone claims it because theyll need stronger mons
I cant even get my app to work anymore - every time I start it up some Pokémon spawn and then immediately disappear. Its not working for me
Change it for five stars
This game started out so well. Ive been playing since day one and, though it had a few issues, they werent major. I slowed down my playing for a few weeks, not paying much attention to the updates. I start playing more and its weird. Some things are better, with catching bonuses and a more accurate tracking system, but whats really crappy is the change theyve made to Pokestops. You either must be walking or going painfully slow in your car/on your bike. My main time to get pokestops (since there are few within my neighborhood or surrounding areas) was to go riding around with friends and getting bunches of them. Now, you cant do that anymore and half the time, all you get is "try again later" multiple times. You close and reopen and still get it. All you can do is keep opening until it finally lets you get something. However, if youre driving, you wont get anything. I used to hit 20-40 pokestops per trip. Now, I can barely get 10 in the same trip. I get that people were having issues and some people met their demise through not paying attention, but the resulting changes from these instances have made the game not interesting or worth it for many players. I assume thats why there have been so many extras and bonuses added to the game, to get people interested again, but it doesnt fix the problems these fixes have created. If I cant get pokestops like I used to, to get things like ultra balls and eggs and revives and berries (I barely have any of the new berries), and, now, the evolution items (which I havent seen even once because I barely get pokestops as it is), theres literally nothing to play with. I spend money in this game, and can have plenty of regular pokeballs, but anything else, nope. I barely spend money because theres no reason to because Im not playing. I cant even battle how I used to because no revives and potions from pokestops. I hate when we get cool, new games/apps like this and it just goes to pot not soon after. I love Pokémon, but have had to give it one star. Its just not fun, anymore. Even worse with so many new Pokémon coming out and events, but I cant really participate/play unless I want to go through endless pokeballs (because Pokémon are harder to catch now, but I cant hit enough stops with the speed cap anymore to get the other balls and berries to help). Pokémon dont even pop up unless whomever is driving is at a complete stop, so most of our time riding around is wasted. Least move pokestops nearer to stop lights and stop signs, so we can catch them then, at least. Its the only time cars are at complete stops to get a pokestop. Also, INCREASE pokestops in RURAL AREAS. Not sure why this has to be repeated so often, but remains unheard. I almost wish this game was never created because whats the point of having the game, but you can barely play it?
Errors at gym in middle of a battle...!? Cant go back in to battle gym. Every update Niantic comes out with ruins some aspect of the game. Instead of focusing on fixing bugs they push pointless updates that break the game - such as the vibration glitch in last update... Now it lets me back into gym, defeat one pokemon and "error." Stop making updates and ruin the game some more by putting in things like "speed locks." We all know you cant control the botters so you punish the Legit players too. Sad... UPDATE: Niantic just keeps pushing pointless updates this far into the game, instead of pushing new content. The game got extremely dull and repetitive. No one wants to spend years catching rats and pidgeys. Out of all updates Niantic could do they add a new language!?
Since the newest update i have yet to get any evolutionary items from the pokestop. I play everyday after i get off work and when i have my daughter. 5 of us are having the same issue. We are owed these. Nobody from niantic will respond to any messages emails or tweets.
I cant sign into to my account through Google. Even time I click my email it buffers and then closes the app and crashes. Its been like this ever since the water type update.
Best game ever created in the whole world ?!!!????????
The enjoyment of this game is heavily reliant on where players live or work. I can go to school and tag no fewer than 40 unique Pokéstops, but when I wasnt a student, I was lucky if I could find any. While I know the speed cap has been put in place to get people to walk, and I do when I am at school, the place where I live is not walkable. When I had to drive to and park my car near the closest Pokéstop in order to tag it at all, it seemed unfair. Now that Im going to a place with so many that gameplay has become trivial (and I went up 500k in experience in only a week, as opposed to my previous time of 2-3 months), I realize it is more unfair than Id first thought. I went to visit my cousin in the country, and even with incense he was only able to find a total of 6 Pokémon on our hour-long walk. No Pokéstops. I understand the desire not to let us drive recklessly, but in that case, let us put more Pokéstops in parks and trails, places where people go for the purpose of walking. Theres another reason I rated this app only four stars, and its name is Sunflora. Sunkern is a moderately common Pokémon, which is very nice, but it requires a Sun Stone to evolve. Thats fine, except that Gloom also needs a Sun Stone to evolve into Bellossom, but it doesnt need a Grass Stone to evolve into Vileplume. This creates a choke point which forces the player to choose between three options: Evolve Gloom to Vileplume in order to save the stone for Sunflora, evolve Gloom to Bellossom and throw out/avoid catching the useless Sunkerns, or grind Pokéstops for more evolution items (which is a pretty futile effort; in about 3,500 or 4,000 spins, Ive received only 8 evolution items, including one that was a 7 day streak bonus, making not very roughly a 0.2% chance to get one in any given spin). Its not that the stones themselves are the problem. It is specifically this scenario. The Up-Grade only works on Porygon, a rare Pokémon. The Metal Coat works on Onix and Scyther, also very rare. Kings Rock works on the common Slowpoke and Poliwhirl, which both branch evolves. The Dragon Scale works only on Seadra. This new streak bonus helps balance things, but unless the sun stone is a lot more common than the others, players are going to end up with fully evolved Steelixes and Kingdras and fistfuls of extra stones, or with hordes of Sunkern candy and nothing to evolve with it. I still had to give four stars to this app because the game and its events are fun. I would like to trade with friends soon, though.
This is a game like no other, and though it needs work it, it is absolutely amazing. Pokémon GO is not really a game, its an experience, so treat it like one. Niantic, keep listening to your fans and trainers, and continue to make Pokémon GO better and better.
I downloaded this game since day one, and had an ultimate blast with the game. Ive been a Pokemon fan for nearly 12 years now, and being able to capture my favorite Pokemon in the real world was a blessing. However I was struggling with a bug in game near Thanksgiving, where it would refuse to give me items from Pokestops. Out of pokeballs, there was no way I could continue catching Pokemon, and thus, I Un-Installed the game to take a little break. Once Gen 2 came around I decided to give Pokemon Go another chance, to only find that its literally impossible to play the game now. Whenever I try to open the application, it takes me to the Niantic loading screen for not even a second, before kicking me out of the game. This is seriously frustrating, and I will continue to have this as a 1 star rating until this problem is fixed. Niantic, if you find this review, please help me. I really want to appreciate your game again and its impossible to do so. I believe my old account name was Luuuuan. Please help me, Niantic.