I am sure it is really fun but doesnt work in any location for iPad or iPhone
I am sure it is really fun but doesnt work in any location for iPad or iPhone
Best game Ive ever played despite the new update
I dont need to explain.
It is just sad how many cheaters there are in this game and Niantic is not doing anything to prevent them from ruining ghe game for everyone.
Niantic recently pushed a server update to randomize Pokémon IV. Sadly this punishes anyone not spoofing. This is not the first time an update got pushed to try and prevent spoofers and cheaters, but has also hurt regular people just trying to play the game. Niantic are clearly not prepared for such a large player base and large number of players wanting fixes. They are struggling to keep up with server issues and ways to prevent cheaters. The sad part is since they havent had a large player base to handle in the past they dont understand all the ripple effect impacts that happen when trying to punish cheaters or how it actually hurts them as well. For instance, I have been playing this game since its release and initially I spent a significant amount of money on incubators, fully expanded my back pack and poke storage, incenses, eggs, etc. on my account alone Ive probably spent a a couple hundred easy and when I convinced my wife to play initially she spent about a hundred as well. My wife and I would have fun checking poke IV of Pokémon we just caught at the park and the other would go catch it immediately if it was perfect or battle of the best, and now Niantic has taken away a favorite past time for both of us. Not to mention a past update they did to attempt to stop cheaters makes the Apple Watch app shutdown or close out randomly. I responded to them immediately about this and the first thing they email back is that I should troubleshoot my devices and it sent me a list of troubleshooting suggestions. I have several computer certifications by Comp TIA and am a computer science major. I would tend to think I can spot an update flaw, but whatever. I will say they have re-responded after I unhappily had to email back that it had nothing to do with my device and only occurred immediately after the update and sadly I was a bit more sarcastic, but at least they admitted it was a known error that theyre working on instead trying to say it was me. Due to these and other experiences, like myself and my wifes app crashing right before an egg hatch especially a 10k, and then not getting the hatched Pokémon in inventory, journal or otherwise, but lose the egg and any incubator uses and many others, myself and my wife have not purchased anything from the game since these and other events and probably never will again. In fact she debated on purchasing incubators during the Easter event but I talked her out of it due to the crashes and loss of uses that still occur and have sent emails to niantic with virtually no response. This game is slowly dying and I personally know over 50 people that have quit the game and/or deleted the app because of the lack of solving app issues and more care about trying to put game wide limits to help stop cheaters, while punishing honest players time and time again. This will happen again soon Im sure of it, the only thing Im debating is what will they do to get me to delete the app for good?
In short, its just lacking in general. Gameplay is simple, but too much so, and many elements are absurd &/or contrary to previous games (read: battling (ugh), Candies, and Stardust, among others). Very grindy, but without the connection one builds with a Pokémon by spending hours with them training in other games. As soon as a bigger number comes in, the old ones off to Willow, and the only way to level or evolve them is to catch more of them, to inevitably be thrown out. On the technical side, distance tracking is bad. Lag causes slingshotting, making the game think Im in a car even if Im sitting still. Riding a bike is too fast for the games liking, another discrepancy with the other games. Data & battery usage are pretty atrocious, too. No trading, no locations aside from stops and Gyms, no battle strategy, no Poké tracking (and no love for rural players). Edit: Not really any better than it was the first time around, and in some ways its actually worse. New Poké tracking is bad — in the city, it literally tells you where to walk, and in the country, it gives you nothing. Few things are more exciting than seeing a Venusaur pop up in the sightings, nor more infuriating than knowing it will probably disappear long before I can stumble upon it as I walk (cant run, or Id be "moving too fast") randomly around (and it did). There also seems to be precisely zero correlation between a mons usefulness, or my catch bonus, or its CP, and how difficult it is to catch. Why does a great throw with a great ball from a level 25 trainer with +3 catch bonus fail to catch a 160 CP Weedle — twice? Why is it that an excellent throw with a great ball fails on a dual-type Pokémon with a +3 and +2, and it runs away after the first throw? All the other problems I mentioned previously are still there, except now with a chokehold on speed only exacerbated by the slingshotting. It also crashes about 50% of the time on startup. The lack of any social aspect to the game is also becoming more frustrating. Theres very little "game" to be found in this game. So much potential, so little delivery.
I downloaded this to play with my girls. However, I cant get past trying to create an Account. I did the trainer thing and still cant get to where you can look for and catch anything. Not happy at all. Theres no where on the site where you can get support and help with issues. Whats the point if the app if its. it going to work.
Its ok but I want to trade a Pokémon with my friend but I cant please add that
Make it so your buddy walks around with you and so that you can see other Pokémoners and their buddies
Im hoping that niantic is fixing the problem where most users are blocked from playing Pokémon go, if not ?
My nickname was wrongfully and unfairly reset due to it being offensive. Great. But I cant even change it. Nice to see you guys really care about your players.
Put more rare Pokémon in eggs and you have a option to get a evolution or a godly poke stop and add gen 3 in June 18
First, the gyms are sometimes glitchy when youre using data. I have network errors during battles and in between Pokémon. Other than this issue, the app isnt terrible. Just a headache at times. Second, it would be nice to have a push notification reminder telling you when to collect your coins and stardust from PokéGyms. Also, a push notification alerting you that a Pokémon has been knocked out of a gym. Additionally, with more Pokémon in gyms, sometimes its difficult to remember where your Pokémon are. Maybe a feature telling trainers what gym their Pokémon are in would be helpful.
I got this game right after it was launched. I remember the excitement and the anticipation about the app months before it was released, the rush to download and play the game, and the bugs. From the beginning there always has been something silly about this game. The first thing was server issues. This, I never blamed the company for. Who could have know how much the game would have blown up, so of course there would be lag. But then there was the 3rd party tracking fiasco. If you arent aware, when the game was first created, you could find nearby Pokémon by tracking "steps." Basically there would be three footprints under the picture or silhouette and the closer you got, the less footprints would appear until you found the Pokémon. This was honestly perfect for the game. It actually had me and my friend running to catch a bulbasaur haha. However, there were some app produced that took advantage of this tracking system and created maps to show you exactly where any and all Pokémon were located. Well Niantic kinda went crazy. They began pursing legal action against said people, removed tracking all together, and came out with some pretty garbage ways to "replace" tracking. Honestly, this was their Achilles heal. They became so obsessed with 3rd party tracking that they slipped up. Several game breaking bugs were left untouched for long periods of time. I knew tons of people who, during this time, deleted the game due to these bugs. I even specifically remember from day one (launch) how everyone would check for updates on the app religiously. Niantics obsession with tracking and lack of consumer support or response killed this games popularity. The game was at time unplayable and made even worse with the lovely speed checker being added to the game after car accidents were linked to the game. (This is still an issue btw.) Anyway to wrap this up here is my final thoughts. If this game would have simply focused on player concerns and game issues, the app would still be popular. Even without the tracking, people still loved the game and played it constantly. I do, however, believe it could have a comeback. Lets hope if it does nothing else dramatic will happen. //Pokémon Go is very fun when it works//
Game had so much hype And potential, but it totally missed the mark. There shouldnt be any teams, that way the gym isnt overloaded with the same people FOREVER. Should be every man or girl for themselves in the gym. Your 6 against their 6, just like the tv show and ALL other Pokémon games.
There just something about having s companion that is just like you, except has lasers. And can shoot your competitors that makes this game fun. Gangar is my favorite Pokémon. Cause hes mean and cute.
I was one of the day one players it was awesome I saw people outside EVERYWHERE and it was just cool but then everything went down people started getting tired of it then it went into a dead end
I cannot fully enjoy this game as a passenger if every time we go over 20 miles on the speedometer every Pokémon disappears and its frustrating. I would like to catch them as Im sitting in the car other then having to walk and see if the Pokémon will still be there if I was to drive. Please fix we would like to see the Pokémon as were in the passenger seat of the car.
Lets be clear: I started this game two weeks after the initial rollout. I play diligently and Im currently at level 36. Ive suffered through changes and game mechanics (and always excepted them with a grain of salt). However, and this is the important part, the proliferation of people using GPS spoofing has gotten out of hand. It is impossible for someone who is not cheating to hold a gym. Oh I can take them just fine (and I have defeated my share of maxed out Dragonites. Snorlaxes, Gyarados, and now Blisseys). But when the cheaters are able to swoop-in right behind you stack the deck over and over again I am reminded of the definition of insanity. From what I can until Niantic is either unable or unwilling to to do anything about the situation. I as well as many of my fellow legitimate players have reported the cheating accounts over and over again to no end. And so it is with heavy heart and great sadness that I give my final goodbyes to Pokémon Go.