I got this game right after it was launched. I remember the excitement and the anticipation about the app months before it was released, the rush to download and play the game, and the bugs. From the beginning there always has been something silly about this game. The first thing was server issues. This, I never blamed the company for. Who could have know how much the game would have blown up, so of course there would be lag. But then there was the 3rd party tracking fiasco. If you arent aware, when the game was first created, you could find nearby Pokémon by tracking "steps." Basically there would be three footprints under the picture or silhouette and the closer you got, the less footprints would appear until you found the Pokémon. This was honestly perfect for the game. It actually had me and my friend running to catch a bulbasaur haha. However, there were some app produced that took advantage of this tracking system and created maps to show you exactly where any and all Pokémon were located. Well Niantic kinda went crazy. They began pursing legal action against said people, removed tracking all together, and came out with some pretty garbage ways to "replace" tracking. Honestly, this was their Achilles heal. They became so obsessed with 3rd party tracking that they slipped up. Several game breaking bugs were left untouched for long periods of time. I knew tons of people who, during this time, deleted the game due to these bugs. I even specifically remember from day one (launch) how everyone would check for updates on the app religiously. Niantics obsession with tracking and lack of consumer support or response killed this games popularity. The game was at time unplayable and made even worse with the lovely speed checker being added to the game after car accidents were linked to the game. (This is still an issue btw.) Anyway to wrap this up here is my final thoughts. If this game would have simply focused on player concerns and game issues, the app would still be popular. Even without the tracking, people still loved the game and played it constantly. I do, however, believe it could have a comeback. Lets hope if it does nothing else dramatic will happen. //Pokémon Go is very fun when it works//
Megan_69 about Pokémon GO, v1.31.0