Pokémon GO App Reviews

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I need help

This app had such potential, but the execution is consistently bad. The reason why Im giving one star is because I was fighting a raid boss with the raid pass I bought, but when I defeated it and tried to catch him, it gave me an error banner and I wasnt able to catch him. I basically wasted my money on nothing. However, if this becomes fixed for me, I will change my review from 1 star

I play Pokémon go everyday

I play Pokémon go everyday I play Pokémon go everyday I play Pokémon go everyday I play Pokémon go everyday I play Pokémon go everyday I play Pokémon go everyday I play Pokémon go everyday I play Pokémon go everyday I play Pokémon go everyday I play Pokémon go everyday I play Pokémon go everyday I play Pokémon go everyday

Gym Control Glitch

When I try to catch Moltres or any raid Pokémon for that matter, it never gives me the gym control bonus when its my teams gym. It used to do this when I battled articuno but now it wont. Please fix, cool game btw!

Cant sign in...

Pretty decent game I like to play every now and then but as of late I havent been able to sign in through my google account because I do not "have internet connection" even though I have LTE... help


There is no way I could play this game because all around me is just team blue and not a single team red or yellow. These people are just spam with blue. Its unfair because I have nobody by my side.

Gyms freeze

Unplayable to battle. Can only walk with this. Whats the point if I can only play half the aspects of the game. Niantic really nailed us on this one. The designers are mental midgets.

Legendary bull crap

I was looking forward to the game again after it finally released legendary Pokémon but what has me quite upset is that this game makes it impossible to get lugia who is one of the legendaries that I have been trying to get 4 times already and through out those 4 times I have been using multiple of my Pokémon squads to beat and capture lugia especially since my Pokémon squads have been wiped out multiple times after beating lugia and the reward I get for that is basically poke balls that niantic gives you that your only allowed to use to catch legendaries or any Pokémon to catch after raid battles and throughout those 4 times it has been a failed attempt and everyday it has been a failed attempt i then have to wait for next day to try and catch lugia again which has gone on for days already which I think bull crap knowing how much this is time consuming if this is what happens for mewtwo than it would be more upsetting knowing that in the original game you were at least allowed to use a master ball.

Better in the beginning

I loved this game so much more when it first came out. Raids are pointless in rural areas and what happened to getting coins for having Pokémon in gyms? I got a lotta dedication but Im not spending money to get coins in the shops. Whats he point of even having coins as a go around if the only way to get them is with cash. Tbh just start selling the stuff for real money lol


I love this app but the raid and gym time limits are bs. I know they are to socialize and group up, but I cant even go to a second round against the raids most times and its bs to try, only to run out of time when you have the resources to beat it.

worlds most popular app shouldnt crash

Crashes when i open it, crashes when i raid, crashes when i evolve mon, crashes when i catch mon, crashes when i look cross-eyed at it. Ive spent a couple hundred $$$ on this app and im getting frustrated about its performance. CMON NIANTIC... get your act together! iPhone6 - iOS10.3.3

Not Working!

Is it me or my iPad? Because When I enter my account correctly, it does not let me in! I have already been locked out once because of this can you please help me and the others who have the same problem? Thx :) Im a grass type trainer :P

Love it, but.......

Great game!! Its very fun, but once my friend found a really good Pokémon, and it just said error, and the Pokémon disappeared. Please fix this, but altogether, good game!

terrible for app stability

this company should change the dev team of this app. this app often stops and goes to home screen. terrible for stability

Not for most of you!

This game is superb! The complaints I am constantly seeing. Im to young so my parents wont take me anywhere, I live to far away from everything so all I get are pidgeys, everything is so slow and keeps kicking me out of gyms, gyms take to long to take down. So first off this games age limit should go up a decent amount not because its violent or anything like that but because you need to be able to go out by yourself or with friends. Secondly if you live to far away from things then this game just isnt for you. You are not forced to play this game so stop going around complaining about it cause if you really cared you would drive a hour every weekend just to catch Pokémon. Third if you have a crappy data plan or are running or a crappy multiple year old phone yes things will be slow. You think a computer 10 years old (cause computers dont come out with improvements as often as a phone) will run a brand new game perfectly fine? No so why do you think your old phone will run everything that has came out perfectly fine. Also if youre running on 2G yes things will be slow your attacks will be delayed in gyms your poke ball wont return to you for a while. Either deal with it or upgrade your data plan and if you think gyms take to long to take down do you wanna go back to old gyms? It takes 3-4 runs through and after the first run it is so easy to take down. If you wanna say gyms take to long go back to the old gyms then come back and talk. If you really cared about playing this game so badly you would do something about it and not complain over twitter or Facebook or anywhere. The people who complain about it and dont do anything about it are the problem not the game cause this game has allowed me to get closer with my family and friends and has given me a reason to exercise and made me motivated to go outside instead of cooped in my room all day. This game is amazing and I know niantic are working hard even tho it may look like they are not at times. Cause you cant code things in overnight it takes time. If you think you can do a better job then I wanna see it not hear your talk.

Pokémon CP

Plz mix up the CP on all Pokémon! Tired of seeing the same old high CP Pokémon in the gyms.


Every time I do a raid battle for a moltress or any other insanely high cp boss I cant beat it and %100 of the time there is no one else around to help fight the boss makes playing the game discouraging and no fun and not want to play it. I love Pokémon been a child hood favorite but this is absurd why make something so difficult that a single trainer on his own can not accomplish catching a rare Pokémon cause its cp is so high that you can only get if multiple trainers are around. Pointless if you ask me kills the fun and makes me and Im sure other trainers not want to play this Pokémon game. Serious fix needs to be made. Rating low cause this crap.

Good, but room for improvement

Absolutely love the game, me and my boyfriend play it all the time but the legendary birds are so hard to beat and then even if you beat them you have a rare chance of catching it :( please make it easier or introduce trading.

Raids could be better

Small town, one sighting of articuno...cant even capture it because theres very few people in my town. If youre gonna have raids the least you could do is make it so its not impossible to even get the creature past the halfway point on its health bar. And with the legendaries maybe make it so you have a master ball. Premier balls are absolutely worthless against the legendaries.

Worse game for sure

This app has gotten to the the worse for sure.

This new update makes the game so much better and funner

Also there are legendary Pokémon

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