It always crashes during a raid. Very annoying and why no Poké centers?
It always crashes during a raid. Very annoying and why no Poké centers?
App crashes constantly due to high usage of ram. Please make the app more compact so this issue doesnt occur again. It makes the game highly unstable when trying to do raids and also when trying to catch Pokemon.
Is a really fun game, but has a lot of bugs and team instinct is underrated. Plz make the teams even
Seems like the blue teams are cheating there always taking over the gyms!
This game does not let me sign in with google
Terrible and consistent app crashes, not recommended
Tweak the speed allowance. It crashes too many times. Most gyms have errors when trying to battle them.
plz improve the tracking, yesterday i took a 5 km walk and it just showed me 0.2 km walked! Are u crazy. plus i would advice that u should start a battling mode in which we can battle others. its a nice game but it can be even better. thnx.
I have now had 3 Pokémon who I didnt receive the 50 coins for defending gyms for 24+ hours. Too many glitches and problems with the game. Its getting frustrating.
Ive deleted and renown loaded this app so many times now, hoping that I can open the app and play the game. But every time I try to open the app, it wont let me even open it at all. Itll just go straight back to my home screen. Ive had the app before and then when the new update came out I couldnt play it anymore. Im getting fed up with this app and Im getting real close to just giving up.
So I got the app when it came out I was a pokemon fan but now my friends dont play FNaF with me and Im all alone and people are saying FNaF is bad but now I think pokemon is bad it ruins FNaF people die playing pokemon go people
My Pokémon keep coming back from defending gyms without any coins. They have been in there for days. Please fix!
Ive played the game for a while now and not much has changed sense the beginning and theres still two big components that the game is missing to make it an actual Pokémon game. Breeding and training should become a thing soon also I dont think its all that good being a game let alone a Pokémon game its kind of a joke to the ds games even the old ones.
I put my gyarados in a gym at 5:00 and it says it returned at 8:07 but I got 0 coins
The 50 coin per day limit is ridiculous. It is also extremely lame that you can not collect coins until a pokemon comes out of a gym. Since you often lose gyms 2, 3 or 4 at a time, it means that you often get nothing for controlling gyms, because one pokemon maxes out the 50 coin limit. The gym changes also punish dedicated players for having high level pokemon. It is dumb that 3000 cp plus pokemon lose motivation faster. Once people see how messed up these changes are, you will see a lot of people moving on to different games. -- one addition --- If you like to play solo a lot, then you will have a hard time getting high end pokemon. The RAID system punishes anyone that does play with groups of 10 or more, or live in high populated areas.
This game is amazing and I love the new update as well. It gave me more of a chance to defeat gyms, and I claimed my first gym today. However, the game loves to crash on me, so if you could fix all the crashing and stuff, I would appreciate it, and it will also improve the gaming experience.
Read the title
It is so much fun to play and you get outside more I like raid battle but sometimes takes to long to get in. And sometimes you go outside looking for a charmander and in the end you dont find anything. Thats what I have to say
I like the game know the legendaries are out, one thing that would be cool to add is a lure in gyms while we wait for people to battle Pokemon at raids.
My kid tried fighting a raid and said there way to hard to beat