Okay, if this was the older version, I would have rated it five stars. I would have rated it one-hundred-googol (the largest place value with a name) stars if I could have because I loved (noticed the "-ed" in "loved") this game. Do you know what I especially loved about this game? It was the fighting in gyms. Your goal as a trainer was to take a place in the most gyms as possible so that at the end of the day you could cash in and get your prize—some Pokécoins. Now it doesnt work this way. Now, you get a Pokécoin every ten minutes you are in a gym, and, you can only even receive your Pokécoins if you are kicked out of your gym. This makes all the urban-located and rural-located players have almost a zero percent chance of earning Pokécoins. The gyms in urban areas are CONSTANTLY getting conquered every second. One second you might have conquered a gym and then the next—your gym gets conquered by somebody else. The rural users used to have the upper hand but now, you can only get your prize when you are kicked out of your gym. In the rural areas, this can take MONTHS on end. Did I mention now you can only get a max of fifty coins? Wow. This is the sad way Niantic is trying to make money. Why not make the app a paid app? Niantic would have made a killing. So anyway, the rural users must wait months to get fifty coins. I am sure that many of them quit, Niantic, so if you want to even do something about it then revert the gyms back to what they used to be. Also, I think Niantic is setting us up with the completely WRONG mindset. We used to always want to win in gyms, remember? Then we would get to stay in gyms and get lots of Pokécoins! I feel like that is the right mindset, a competitive one which will always help you in life. Well now, our mindset has COMPLETELY changed because of the new update. Now, we WANT to lose and get kicked out of the gym because we will get Pokécoins. To me, that just isnt right. Shouldnt we want to win? That is a LOSERS mindset, and it is all because of the new update. There is now ABSOLUTELY NO POINT in trying to catch the most powerful Pokémon except for show purposes. Now, the best strategy is to put the weakest Pokémon as possible in gyms so that we get kicked out and get Pokécoins. Does this sound right to you? Alright, to sum it up, Niantic, you have A LOT to work on for the next update if you want to still keep the little amount of users that you have. Pokémon GO needs a LOT of work. I know that this whole review was about how we users hate the new gyms, but there are a couple things that I like. I love the new egg raids. It gives players the opportunity to receive lots of rare items and powerful Pokémon and it adds a new feature to the game (But again, in this new update, why would we need powerful Pokémon?). I also really like that you made the gyms Pokéstops because now it is easier to find items and you can get items like potions instantly after you fight in a gym to heal your wounded Pokémon. If you reverted the gyms to what they were before, Pokémon GO would be the best game on Earth.