Some things still need to be changed for this to be good. First of all, "trash" should be changed to "sell", and when you "trash" or "sell" an item you should get something. Stardust or gold or something. There should also be more ways of obtaining gold besides gyms, cause for people like me, there arent a whole lot of gyms around.
Second, if higher CP Pokémon are harder to catch then they also need to have greater rewards. XP should be tied to CP. Catch a 250CP Pokémon results in 250XP, and same with stardust. 250cp = 250 stardust.
Finally, a pedometer setting would be great. Im on the treadmill almost everyday, and it would be great to be able to hatch some eggs while doing that. I understand theres probably some problems with that cause of cheaters. But even if you make eggs hatch in double the distance when in a pedometer setting would be cool.
Just a few ideas, hope niantic actually looks at this, cause they need all the help they can get.
The great Andrew B about Pokémon GO, v1.39.1