Server Update
Im happy to revise this review now as I feel like the Moltres issue was adjust toward the end I noticed a difference as well Zapdos seems like the first 2 legendaries as far as distance is concerned. Next Im very happy that Niantic finally adjusted their "known issues/bug" list on their site to issues on the current version and not just list general common issues that have been around forever. I hope they continue to openly post known bugs and issues as they discover and resolve them, this gives a much better feeling that they are being acknowledged and addressed instead of pushed to the back burner or ignored. They have since acknowledged the last premier ball issue in raids and temporarily addressed it by giving an additional premier, this doesnt quite make up for all the money me and my wife spent on raid passes, but at least its a step in the right direction. They have also acknowledged several other bugs, such as the gym control bonus sometimes doesnt give the extra premier balls as well as an issue when a Pokémon you placed to defend a gym returns it becomes unfavorited. There are others as well, but Im happy to at least see this open to public awareness. I hope they continue to do so and quickly fix HIGH priority bugs and issues before any others. I also wish they would increase gym coins from 50 to 80 a day. I believe this to be a more reasonable number than 50, but not so high for Niantic to worry about losing profits over people getting too many coins too quickly from gym-ing, as it takes a minimum of 2 days of getting full coins just to get a raid pass or 3 days to get an incubator, and this is assuming you get your full coins, not to mention you always have to take multiple gyms as you dont know how long your defender will stay and if the others will feed. Several times Ive gotten knocked out quickly while others I only got 4 coins for defending a gym for 6+ hours and 0 coins for defending for over 4 hours as I unexpectedly maxed out other gyms. This can get frustrating as you never know how long each one will stay and which gyms to feed more to and its not like you can make your Pokémon return from the gym to collect your bonus, as this would be a nice mechanic as others could now place their defender in my place. Im still hoping they dont take too long on player vs player battling and trading as these were 2 huge feature aspects showed by Niantic prior to release was both of these, which attracted a lot of people initially, but between all the buggy issues and lack of progress on these features many stopped playing and deleted the app, but I feel this will renew more player interest and keep current players more engaged and happy when this comes out. Players just want to be able to do at minimum what you can in the game boy games and minimize the bugs through more beta testing instead of quickly releasing a large update or at least to release more frequent patch updates on the app to slowly mitigate or eliminate known bugs. If they do these I believe they will do well as Im very hoping they do so until our phones eventually revert into contact or eye/sun glasses forms at some point in the next 10 years or so. This game will be amazing if they can achieve that.
Davisre28 about
Pokémon GO, v1.39.1