Pokémon Go is notorious for its overabundance of Pidgeys, Ratattas, Weedles, Venonats, Sentrets, and Spinaraks. The game alerts players as to which types of Pokémon can be found in the wild at a given time and place, some of which are such rare spawns you hardly get to find them anywhere else. Every single time, Im let down by the Nearby list because my radar is flooded with these overabundant Pokémon Ive listed above instead of the spawns the list had promised.
The only way to make progress in Pokémon Go is to catch several, sometimes hundreds, of duplicates of the same species of Pokémon to gain Candies, Stardust, and EXP. But if all but 10 species are readily accessible to catch in the wild, theres no ability for users to catch different species and/or make them stronger.
I propose that the Pokémon on the Nearby list should spawn in the wild predictably and promisingly. I cannot count how many times the silhouette of a somewhat rare Pokémon has appeared on the list and have been lost to the abyss that is random spawning. Please make this happen, Niantic. Us in the suburbs cannot walk casually from interesting place to interesting place as you could in the city.
Sans the Skeleton about Pokémon GO, v1.39.0