Edit:Ok still no shining but after the legendary raids have started loving the fact I see them, and yes I catch them after beating them 1 out of every 4 usually, Id say which is a little annoying since I spend gas and miles on the car for sometimes nothing but truly enjoy them although the raid times are bad still not up at 6 am because of work and there done before 8pm which again "work" they need to do 6am to 11pm thats perfect for all people I believe ADULTS PLAY MORE THAN KIDS AND WE BUY THE ITEMS IN GAME NOT KIDS!
•The catch rates are insane small and only have a pokeball up to 8 usually to even catch it at least make the catch rate better at 10% not 2% we have no candies to power them up it would make us all happy!
•With power up and raids in mind Niantic needs to make raid passes less money or something thats to much needed when you only give us 1 pass a day seriously at least 3 a day or something or allow them to stack daily!!
•And my final point is stardust in this game make it a way for more, no one can power all these Pokémon up no more make a catch give 500 dust and spins 100 and feeding 100 dust something can help us out here power these amazing Pokémon up!
I HEAR THIS EVERYDAY FROM MANY PLAYERS PLAYING "no more raid passes" OR "not enough stardust to power up things to battle better" LISTEN TO US OUT HERE FOR ONCE!
Original: This review is as straight forward as I can be and may sound like complaining but its the truth about this game and company. I been playing since day one and spent hundreds of dollars playing in the game hoping it would get better and reward its real players, but NOPE this company is bad at everything it does. I played thru the bad laggy beginning and duked it out thru the system crashes, but than its like where I live never once in the last "almost" year have I had one rare spawn near me never once. Second off the magikarp event to get a Shiny magikarp for me and my girlfriend at the time we were level 35 and 36 nevergot a Shiny Karp and till this day we still have not gotten a Shiny magikarp and we spent days at nest over 100 hours every 3 weeks looking for the Karp and Nope nothing yet level 10 and 14 accounts my friends have that never play get it just turning on the game at the house whats that about?
3rd off you cant find unown unless you cheat and since I want to play the game correct and not cheat I cant find a single unown which never lets me finish the non regional pokedex!
4th off the Pokémon go feat event they did was so badly organized the site for tickets kept crashing and sold out to people only trying to make money off the event which is unfair to real players in not willing to spend $260 on one ticket that was $20 and they never restricted the amount you could buy.
5th thing the new gyms are amazing but you cant collect enough coins the new coins are restricted to 50 a day(which buys nothing in game)and on top you cant always hold down gyms long enough to get 1 coin and the raids are during work hours which by 8pm there all gone, on top of it all the game shuts off so much costing me my losses against the raid bosses and catching the raid Pokémon and by shutting off I mean the game shuts off ever 10 minuets or less its bad!
6th and final thing is you cant get ahold of the company at all what so ever I contacted them about the game having my Pokémon always fled in the game and questioning why I cant find any rare Pokémon unless Im in Long Beach and two weeks later I get a respond about how the items may not display when you spin the stops like what the really whats that about??
I respond saying that was not my question yet no reply since and its been months.
My final opinion is if your new to this game DO NOT waste your time with this game. Unfortunately I spent so much time and money supporting a bad company I just play casually now but again newcomers honestly dont waste your time or effort in this game. I hope my random complaining shows some sort of help to someone by these bad things have happened to me and my girlfriend and some of our friends as well and thought the reviewers should know a real look at the game from a long time player that never gets rewarded for playing so long and supporting the game yet fandoms do.
CabFan4Life about Pokémon GO, v1.39.0