5 stars for Pokémon ZERO stars for niantic. The one and only reason this game has so many users and has earns millions of dollars is because of its name. Every generation can relate to Pokémon. The creators and mods for the app, on the other hand, are absolutely terrible. False press releases of updates, empty promises of PvP and Trading (which is the exact definition on Pokémon), constant crashes and server issues show that the develops are only in this for one reason.. TO MAKE MONEY. To see how Fubar niantic is go Google "Pokémon go fest" and look for yourselves. Constant disappointments, dissatisfaction, and hopelessness has proven to me that I will never ever purchase or use anything thats been created by niantic(Yes niantic you dont even get a capital N because thats how worthless your company is to me). Pokémon is amazing and niantic is absolute trash. This is literally the one and only app review that Ive given 1 star to. 1️⃣⭐️?
kphillbilly about Pokémon GO, v1.39.0