I wish I could do 4.5. But I cant. So I rounded and chose 5.
Note that this contains spoilers.
PokeStops. Wherever you go, a church, a famous picture, or even Starbucks (mmm the go frappuccino), you always see a PokeStop.
When I first swipe a PokeStop, sure, it comes back in 1-5 mins or so... but after that, it takes an 30-120 mins... Ouch! Its kinda frustrating when I have 2 PokeStops next to me...
And speaking of PokeStops...
Poke Balls.
The great red and white ball for capturing Pokemon. Easy, right?
Boy, I was mistaken. Every time I threw a Poke Ball, the Pokémon broke free and ran away.
Until I found the L trick.
Come on, I need to do an L?! In the other Pokemon games, which I am a huge fan of the series, both TV and games, it was always either capture em or defeat em. If you captured, the animation shows him throwing straight... What?!
PokeCoins. We need a better way.
A better way to get them.
If you dont want to spend money on PokeCoins, you dont have another way to get them.
This means you cant get upgrades, raid, etc.
I mean, why?!
I know you want money, but people will also donate if they love the game, or make GO cost money to buy for all I care!
Leveling up gets too hard.
My mom used to play GO until she hit Level 24.
Because there was too much XP.
24000 XP to level up?!
Sure, its ok for 1000-5000, but above that just gets overwhelming and annoying.
Finally, the last thing I dont like...
Ive noticed that I choose Incense and it starts with 30 mins. But if I stand still, I barely get Pokemon... The lure wants you to walk around?!
A real way to lure is to stand still and get out something they like to lure them.
Why cant it be like that in Pokemon GO? It would be so much more useful...
Now besides issues I dont like, here are some of my ideas:
1) Incense.
If they use my idea of luring, I have a system planned: Buddies.
You would make a Pokemon a buddy like always, and if you have candy of that buddy, it would lure more of that Pokemon-type to you. So if I chose Pikachu, electric-types would come to me. If I chose Mankey, fighting-types would come to me.
2) Less battery consumption.
Instead of making GO always see your location, even if not in the app, why not just make it when using it? It would take up less battery and people could play it longer.
3) Friend system.
I want friends...
...in Pokemon GO.
There is no friend system, so I cant do much.
When friends, you can chat when both play at the same time, see their location, and trade Pokemon, candy, stardust, and items.
All in all, my conclusion is that Pokemon GO is a great game, but it isnt always easy to work with.
EDIT: Ok, just figured out that gyms give PokeCoins, but 50 for max cap is just weird imo :P
JBMagination about Pokémon GO, v1.39.0