Whats the point of participating in raids and wasting your time when youre not guaranteed to catch the Pokémon you just defeated? It was so infuriating when we brought down Articuno and only one person of thirteen was able to catch him. Also, whats up with Pokémon who have green rings not being caught by ultra balls? Or having a Pokémon with a red ring caught by a regular ball on the first try? Whats the point of having a whole system where you have to pick a ball based on the level of the Pokémon when it doesnt even follow its own rules?
And bring back the tracking! Actual tracking with the little feet so you can actually go out and find the Pokémon you want. The whole "we just show those at pokestops" is such a cop out and really lazy game play development.
I cant believe they keep coming out with new things but never fix any of the old problems. I dont see myself playing for much longer if the developers dont up their game development.
Booooo yaaaaa about Pokémon GO, v1.39.0