Great game! Encourages lots of exercise and gets my lazy brothers moving. This game is over all pretty great, however I would like them to make a few changes.
1. Please add a global trading system, i have 222 pokemon registered in the pokedex so if niantic adds this feature I could trade with people around the world who have regionals and other rare pokemon to complete the pokedex.
2. Make raids easier, get rid of the fighting timer, or make it to where they cant regrow their health. 90 percent of my friends got rid of pokemon go, my two brothers and i really want legendary raids, but we simply cant get the numbers together. This is just aggravating.
3. Put legendaries in the wild! It would be such a rush to find a legendary out in the wild! It would also help people like me who cant get people together to hit raids.
4. Put 10 km eggs in the shop.
5. Battle friends.
6. Make lures more effective.
7. Make it to when pokemon run they just go to a different location (excluding raid bosses).
8. Reward xp for walking??
9. Add more generations.
10. Reward players that are loyal to this game.
11. Have more of these rare pokemon updates. Seriously it has been amazing catching all these pokemon i didnt have in one weekend.
12. Fix crashes, crashing is never good.
Thats the end of my rant, i hope they add this stuff. Get this game!
Trevohawk about Pokémon GO, v1.39.0