I feel like there are still some things that need to be fixed. My personal experience with glitches go as followed: I will be riding passenger in a car and my player will disappear and the game will lock and I have to force close. My buddy gets lost in outer space somewhere completely leaving the game. The single gym in my area is sometimes there and other times gone with the wind. And finally, by far the most frustrating thing of all, capturing a Pokémon after 3 attempts and closing the game to come back and the flipping thing be gone as if I never caught it. That has happened to me more times than I can count and its frustrating! I also feel like my area is so dull there are barely any Pokémon spawns, poke stops are hardly seen (there are literally 2), and the same goes for gyms. I would have to walk for 3 hours before I got somewhere that has at least 5 poke stops and I LIVE IN AN URBAN AREA! Please help!!
ChriseyMaria about Pokémon GO, v1.37.2