Ive been off and one since day one and although all my friends have stopped playing Im about done myself. Pokémon are focused on major cities and tourist traps instead of unique places to explore. The bugs still persist and although they added a different way of seeing Pokémon at stops you cant track. The three step glitch even now was never fixed 1 year later. There arent as many errors but theyre still there rarely. Pokestops dont reset like they used to. The raids are exclusive to high level players and you have to buy passes. You also dont get coins like before. If you have a Pokémon in a gym you only get 50 coins regardless of how long it was in the gym. 2 or more kicked out on 1 day after both were in their gyms for more than 24 hours? You only get 50 coins. Ive all but given up on what this was. Too money hungry for me to play any more.
CODA92 about Pokémon GO, v1.37.2