Again, stop deleting negative reviews!
Speed limits. ?
No Pokestop XP w/full bag. ?
New Nearby System. ?
Theres a defect that causes Shiny Carp from displaying properly in game. The whiskers are different colored and evolution shows as greyed out when its supposed to be a Shiny Carp because I havent evolved one yet, so its definitely a defect thats keeping them from showing up properly as all yellow in the game. You need to fix this ASAP!
Game locks up again with light blue screen if the game crashes and you start it back up from the app-switcher. On that first start, the game locks up as in the last to previous version where a partial GUI interface comes up and it locks up and doesnt start. Game must be completely quit out and started again to clear it up.
Pokedex takes forever to redraw in latest version and it does this every time you open it.
Game locks up if you bring up the Pokémon inventory and use the scrolling tool on the right to scroll quickly. The graphics for each Pokémon doesnt draw them quickly enough and the game locks up and wont populate them. You seriously botched the code for both this and the Pokedex screen population and didnt test it at all.
GPS drift hasnt been fixed yet. It happens badly if youre the kind of player that texts a lot while playing. Even if you reply to a text in the popup window for iMessage, GPS is still stopped and when you return to the app, youre all over the place on the map. This happens even with just taking a few seconds to reply to the text. If it takes longer, forget it... youre gonna get bounced around bad until GPS relocks on you. Problem is, before your GPS Drift update, when returning to the game, the character wasnt so far off as it is now. I dont think you fixed anything... maybe broke it worse.
New Nearby system basically kills off the ability to see what Pokémon are closer than the ones at the pokestops. Thats so stupid because if youre far enough away from pokestops where theyre still on the map, but nowhere close to you, you have no ability to see what Pokémon are closer now. Youre basically just walking around blind trying to find something that may or may not be there. All the pokestop info in Nearby is obstructing the ability to see the closer Pokémon on the radar view.
App is slow to start and log in. You need to fix this ASAP!!!
Your new update took away the ability to spin and get the 50XP on pokestops even if your bag is full. Ummm, last I checked, the player went through the hassle of getting to a stop and spinning it with your new imposed speed limits. Forcing them now to also have room in their bag to get a measly 50XP is just ridiculous! How cheap can you guys be? Let the gamer have their XP... its just 50, and its worth at least that for the hassle of walking by the stop.
Also, like I said in my other review that you deleted, the animations for Hydropump doesnt work any more. It doesnt play in gyms as you battle. You need to fix that.
SwankPeRFection about Pokémon GO, v1.31.0