This is more a suggestion on how to make the game better rather than a review about how great or horrible this game has become.
Here are a few suggestions for gym battle.
1. Introduce Gym Type:
There are 18 Pokémon types (fire, water, grass, etc) in the game. Each gym is assigned a type and defenders get special bonus in they are the same type as the gym type. This way, gyms are never always filled with the same defenders like Dragonites, Blisseys, Snorlaxes and Rhydons. Defender bonuses can either be increase CP for special defender (+500 CP for Psychic Pokémon) or same type moves can get more powerful.
2. Status Effects: Poison, Burn, Paralyzation.
The purpose is to add different strategies into the game. This would greatly boost the use of Poison, Fire and Electric Pokémon as strategic fighters rather than only counters in special circumstances. My suggestion is Poison to deduct 10% health every 10 secs in battle. Each Poison move has a 5% chance of landing each move. Burn is to deduct 10% health every time a Charge move is used. Paralyzation is to slow down Charge move from being used by a factor of 2.
3. Recurring Events (ideas from Pokémon games) to win special prizes
-Bug catching contest every Tuesday and Thursday
Bbear144 about Pokémon GO, v1.31.0