So I obviously didnt quit, just about, but yall keep me hanging on at least once a day. Im gonna exercise anyhow, right? So music volume is finally fixed, thank you bunches for that, so I give you 3 stars. Things to improve? We NEED the ability to switch between whats at the pokestops and whats actually nearby, that I can just wander around and find. Its not convenient at all to have to cross a 6 lane highway to get to something thats probably going to despawn just as you click. I get it. Sponsored pokestops. Fine. Let us see those FIRST, then let us switch, like the Pokémon menu and the egg menu. PLEASE. If I could see that theres interesting Pokémon around, without having to leave my neighborhood every single good things are nearby, and I miss them! I miss running around the neighborhood in the middle of the night because there was a Snorlax somewhere close. I got WAY more exercise then. Isnt that the point? Playing a game that gets you outdoors? Come on guys. Get it together!
Original review ⬇️
Why is my music volume reduced by 50% when I start Pokémon go??? What have you done??? I dont even want to play anymore. Who wants to walk with quiet music and screaming loud sound effects from the game??? Youre making me DEAF! Fix this!!!
Update: November 1- Still having music issues! Stop controlling my music volume! Totally wanting to ride my bike and enjoy the extra candies my buddy is catching, but I CANT HEAR MY MUSIC! If you think Im gonna exercise without music, well...Im picking music every.single.time. I pulled over in the MIDDLE OF MY RIDE to post this! PLEASE FIX THIS ISSUE. I really enjoy Pokémon go, but this is a deal breaker.
Update 2 December 3, 2016:
So now the new "tracker" is ridiculous. I live IN TOWN and still have a blank screen. We have a nice size park here with NO POKESTOPS. Apparently iPhone 6s is no longer supported, because I rarely have everything load, even over wifi. And then we have THE SPEEDCAPS. So even WALKING Im moving too fast? I have to come to an absolute dead stop to spin for balls? Really? Im about sick of "try again later" nonsense. Seriously Im level 28 and Ive all but quit. Another north eastern person here, and I can tell you it takes over 2 hours to walk to the "9" pokestops in my town. And if you want more than that you have to cross several very busy roads and a 6 lane highway. Tell me how Im supposed to WALK? This game should be called Pokémon drive and stop, because by the time I get to a stop whatever Ive come for is gone. Then theres the fact that if I want to get enough balls Id obviously need to BUY THEM. Theres physically NO WAY to collect enough balls if I cant use a car, or yall gotta put in more stops. Walking 2+ hours and I might get 20 balls? Nah...Ill just stick to running to music. Im done with this BS.
kyndmamaof4 about Pokémon GO, v1.31.0