This game was amazing upon release as I would spend hours out walking around, cracking eggs and catching Pokémon. It just seems every update makes the game worse and worse. I get the whos trying to be safe factor but whats the purpose of the "Im a passenger" if you cant spin at pokestops or catch Pokémon going over 25mph. The speed limit in my opinion has killed the game and now I understand why this game has lost over 20 million daily subscribers. I live in a small town and the closest pokestops are 10 minutes away and no where near walking distance. Personally, I think its becoming a money trap and a way for them to make you buy stuff simply because half the pokestops I go by just tell me to please try again later. My point is, simply take out the speed limit and Pokémon go would again become the top game in the App Store.
theoneandonlySE about Pokémon GO, v1.31.0