Pros- people started walking, Pokemon became relevant for a month, ... And thats it.
Cons- nothing spawns unless you live in a city, there are no pokestops unless you live in a city, there are no gyms unless you live in a city, the original perfect tracker has been mutilated and molested - leaving us with no choice but to use 3rd party trackers(who seem to care more about this game than niantic does), AND ALL THE OTHER COMPLAINTS PLAGUING THE GAME. Niantic clearly didnt give a f*** in the beginning, they dont give a f*** now, and they wont give a f*** for as long as the Pokémon company licenses its content to these terrorist-like "developers".
UPDATE: They made the walking animation SO FREAKING CRINGY I WANT TO VOMIT
Kylan Bowden about Pokémon GO, v1.31.0