Living in the Sal Lake Valley PkmnGo isnt grand! There were two... now one... area you can actually go and find true Pokemon diversity and sadly being nonLDS: it is at Temple. I used to travel and waste a good amount of gas money traveling to Park City (Winter Olympics 2002 ski resort town) for rare Pokemon, now there are filthy causal Pidgeys and Hoothoots. You would never see any or possibly two but since the new update the plebs roam freely EVERYWHERE! There used to be Oddish and Cyndaquils playing now Paras and Sentret ruin the party! Plus they need to fix the whole day and night availability! If its night pokemon only they should be out and vice versa for day only Pokemon. After Generation two was release they should have converted Km to Miles America servers! They need to make the Pokemon diversity greater! I am sick of seeing rock types and ground types only!
IPoopUser about Pokémon GO, v1.31.0