Overall a 5-Star Game
I have been playing since July, and there has been a lot of problems since then. I knew that this game was new, and a lot of unexpected things happened, so I was patient with the slow game, server crashes, etc. Now, they have ironed out most, if not, all issues with speed. I ran into some glitches and have to restart the game from time to time, but it takes less than a minute to do so, and I expect it from a game this large. (I encourage anyone who gives the game one star because they had to restart the game or dont like a certain feature to re-evaluate their comment). With the more recent addition of Gen II, the game is as fun as ever. I love the way it looks, and how much fun I can have on it with my friends. It is definitely geared towards urban areas, and if you live in a rural area, tough luck, this isnt the game for you. The speed limiter on Pokéstops and catching Pokémon is slightly annoying as a passenger, but I understand why it is there and play around it. I only have a few personal suggestions:
1. Raise the speed at which eggs can be hatched. I love riding my bike around town, but it can get annoying when I go somewhere, but dont get any egg distance.
2. Raise the CP if Umbreon. I admit it, I love Umbreon, so Im probably just being bias, but it is annoying to see him 600CP lower than an Espeon, both fully powered up at lv. 25. Or add a few extra hit points to buff him up, because the amount I see him is disappointingly low.
3. Bring back the single-use incubator. Just make it much rarer, like one in every 20 or above.
4. Keep up the good work. Niantic, you guys are amazing. I wish some more people would be more patient with the game, which can be hard now because everyone expects hardware and software to work without delay or error.
5. More Generations and legendaries, of course. I couldnt resist.
IcestormXXVII about
Pokémon GO, v1.29.1